Uniform, Status Symbol and Ideal 2007

Video 42 minutes, German Betakam SP, colour (D)

Work­shops – a collec­tion of works:

We are born with a genetic code that we can’t change. But with our dress code we can either under­line our differ­ence or demon­strate our soli­darity with a group. We can show reli­gious distinc­tion by wearing symbols, ethnic differ­ence in our hair­style and dress.

During the Anne Frank Cultural Weeks in Bochum (D), Mrs. Gudelius and 23 or her pupils in the 9th class of the Anne-Frank-Realschule (Secondary Modern) took part in a work­shop of mine (the artist Tanya Ury).

For this work­shop held on the 3rd November 2006, during the Anne-Frank Cultural Weeks in Bochum, Germany, each pupil was to design his or her own T‑Shirt logo that should define a personal world­view or on the other hand could disagree with a certain position.

In the video inter­views the teenagers talk about their motivation.


Concept: Tanya Ury
Inter­views: Tanya Ury and 23 pupils from the 9th class of the Anne-Frank-Realschule (secondary modern), Bochum (D)
Edit: Rainer Nelissen

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