Art Curriculum Vitae

Tanya Ury
Cork­strasse 19
D‑51103 Cologne
Tel/​Fax (00)49 (0)221 5503795
Email: s. contact­form in website footer
Website: www​.tanyaury​.com

Since 1988 Ury has produced video, perfor­mance (including impro­vised poetry with musi­cians) and lectures for univer­si­ties, exhi­bi­tions, confer­ences and festi­vals. She has made photo­graphic and holo­graphic art, created objects, audio texts and instal­la­tion. She is also active as a writer (arti­cles, short stories, poetry) and curator. Tanya Ury has shown her work exten­sively in: England, Ireland, Scot­land, Wales the Nether­lands, Belgium, Germany, Switzer­land, Austria, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Canada, Taiwan, Israel, USA, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Serbia.

1951 * London (GB)
1993 English/​German (dual) nation­ality & moved to Cologne (D
1971 Foun­da­tion in Fine Art, Central School of Art and Design, London (GB)
1988 BA HONS in Fine Art, First Class, Exeter College of Art and Design (GB)
1989 1 semester, Insti­tute for Theatre, Film and Tele­vi­sion Studies, Cologne Univer­sity with Erasmus grant (D)
1990 Masters in Fine Art, Distinc­tion, Reading Univer­sity (GB)
2009 Member of The Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East (D)
2013 – 2018 Member of the board for Trialog 4 Animals, TriAni e.V. — Inter­re­li­gious & Inter­cul­tural Animal Welfare and Animal Rights (D)
2014 – 2017 Jury member for the Hans and Lea Grundig Prize, with the Rosa Luxem­burg Foun­da­tion, Berlin (D)
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