The Senses: Zucchini (sense of taste)

Perfor­mance in English, docu­mented on video
Trailer 5 minutes 10 seconds

A DVD compi­la­tion of all the Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subti­tles, 40 minutes was put together 2009

2007 (27.9. – 3.10) Zucchini was an impromptu short story related by Tanya Ury to her guests in the gallery, after they had consumed a cour­gette curry prepared by the artist at her 56th birthday party, during the Avant-Garde Dating” week 27.9. – 3.10. for Art Forum, The New Life Shop Art Gallery, Choriner Strasse 85, Berlin (D)

Avant-Garde Dating was a Wooloo concept by the artists/​curators Sixten Kai Nielsen & Martin Rosen­gaard www.AvantgardeDating.c…

2007 (30.11. – 11.1.2008) Included in the exhi­bi­tion In Pursuit: Art on Dating” at the ISE Cultural Foun­da­tion Gallery, New York (USA) is a computer repre­sen­ta­tion with all video trailers from the week’s resi­dency in the New Life Shop Art Gallery, Berlin (D) www​.isefoun​da​tion​.org

An article by Simon Hoegs­berg on Tanya Ury’s and Laurel Jay Carpenter’s part­ner­ship during the Avant-Garde Dating“ week (27.9. – 3.10.2007) has been presented in the Danish maga­zine Samvirke”, March edition 2008. There is an English trans­la­tion on Hoegsberg’s website: www​.simon​hoegs​berg​.com

www​.simon​hoegs​berg​.com — article as PDF

It was Xmas of the mid-nineties in Cologne. The Jewish protag­o­nist prepared a hybrid Christmas meal (Xmas cake and Indian food) for an eclectic group of friends: 2 German Chris­tians (named Christoph and Chris­tian) and 2 Pales­tinians. It was only the cook’s lover who was able to uncover the mystery behind the curry’s magic ingre­dient, but at least one of the guests, Jinan the youngest, may have gained an intuition…

Tanya Ury

Avant-Garde-Dating – a collec­tion fo works:

The Senses – a collec­tion of works:

The Senses: Play in Camera (sense of sight)
The Senses: Play it by Ear & An Ear for You (sense of sound)
The Senses: Ô d’Oriane (sense of smell)
The Senses: Zucchini (sense of taste)
The Senses: Inti­macy (sense of touch)

Zucchini, 1st October, 5 minutes 10 seconds


2007 (1.10.) Live perfor­mance by Tanya Ury, during the Avant-Garde Dating” week for Art Forum, 27.9. – 3.10.2008, The New Life Shop Art Gallery, Choriner Strasse 85, Berlin (D)

2009 (25. – 26.3) March 25th, 6 p.m. SSC 026: video and power point presen­ta­tion (short version): Avant Garde Dating and Avant-Garde Dating the video, guest lecturer, Depart­ment of Crit­ical Studies (German), Faculty of Creative and Crit­ical Studies, Univer­sity of British Columbia, Okanagan (CAN)



press as PDF


Perfor­mance Artists: Laurel Jay Carpenter, Tanya Ury
Camera & edit of trailers: Menachem Roth
Camera 2: Martin Rosen­gaard
Text infor­ma­tion: Tanya Ury
Subti­tles translation: Tanya Ury, Amin Farzanefar
Avid edit of DVD trailer compilation: Rainer Nelissen

Publi­ca­tions & Press

Artist’s Writ­ings & Publications

2009 (1.11) The Senses on the Arkadas Theatre, Bühne der Kulturen (Stages of Diverse Cultures) website Cologne (D) www​.buehned​erkul​turen​.de

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