Solo Events

1989 Incom­mu­ni­cado, Insti­tute of Theatre, Film and Tele­vi­sion Studies, Univer­sity of Cologne (solo) (D)
1992 False Premises, Play in Camera, Fellow­ship exhi­bi­tion, Sheffield Hallam Univer­sity (GB)
1992 False Premises (video presen­ta­tion), Break the Silence — A Video Diary and work­shop Fine Art Depart­ment, Cardiff Insti­tute of Educa­tion, Wales (GB)
1993 Seduc­tion 2, False Premises, Depart­ment of Holog­raphy, Royal College of Art, London (GB)
1994 False Premises as video edition, Grey Suit Maga­zine, (spring) no.5, Cardiff, Wales (GB) ftvdb​.bfi​.org​.uk/​sift/…
1995 Slide reading Jewish & Body Poli­tics, Kölnisch Wasser (docu­men­ta­tion), False Premises, Fine Art Depart­ment, Simon Fraser Univer­sity, Vancouver (CAN)
1996 Play it by Ear, Artillerie, Cologne (D)
1996 Trip­tych for a Jewish Princess Second Gener­a­tion, Foyer Femi­nale Women’s Film Festival, Cologne (D)
1996 Slide reading: Jewish & Body Poli­tics, screening of Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Fine Art Depart­ment, Reading Univer­sity (GB)
1996 Lecture: Jewish & Body Poli­tics, screening of Kölnisch Wasser docu­men­ta­tion, Fine Art depart­ment, Stafford­shire Univer­sity (GB)
1997 Slide reading Clash of Symbols, Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Der durchtriebene Blick (The Sly Look), Insti­tute of Theatre, Film and Tele­vi­sion Studies, Univer­sity of Cologne (D)
1997 Kölnisch Wasser (live video/​performance), Hotel Chelsea — Köln, False Premises, A weekend of video, perfor­mance & work­shops, Cuba Cultur, Münster (D)
1997 Golden Showers live video/​performance, Schau­raum Cologne (D)
1997 Golden Showers Instal­la­tion, City Library, Munster (D)
1998 Die Gehängten & Zwis­chen Imag­i­na­tion und Real­ität — Ulrike Ottinger Film Regis­seurin (Between Imag­i­na­tion and Reality — Ulrike Ottinger Film Director) (slide read­ings), Schnürschuh Theatre Bremen (D)
1998 Slide reading, Zwis­chen Imag­i­na­tion und Real­ität — Ulrike Ottinger Film Regis­seurin (Between Imag­i­na­tion and Reality — Ulrike Ottinger Film director), Jewish Women in Germany, Univer­sity of Cologne (D)
1999 Golden Showers Instal­la­tion, The Lux Cinema Foyer, London (GB)
2000 Hung Up, Dual(national)ity (slide reading & work­shop), Centre for German-Jewish Studies, Sussex Univer­sity (GB)
2000 Hung Up, Dual(national)ity (slide read­ings) & work­shop, Hildesheim Univer­sity (D)
2001 Hermes Insensed, Ô d’Oriane, Sonata in Sea, Hotel Seehof, Zurich (CH)
2002 Hotel Chelsea — Köln photo series Köln Kultur 30 (D)
2002 Hermes Insensed with reading, Galerie 68Elf Cologne (D)
2002 Jacob’s Ladder with perfor­mance Red Hot Pokers finis­sage 9th Nov. 2002, Cologne’s Long Museum’s Night, Hochbunker Cologne-Ehren­feld (D)
2005 (22.12) Hotel Chelsea – Köln, video and photographs, 10 year anniver­sary in the Suite, Chelsea Hotel, Cologne (D)
2005 (31.1) Montagspraxis (Monday prac­tice) slide reading: Stech­mücke, Tag und Nacht, Getta Life – Nimm das Leben in die Hand, Kölnisch Wasser (split screen version) b_​books, Lübbener Strasse, Berlin (D)
2005 (20.4) Slide Reading with menu, Hitler Gegengift (Hitler Anti­dote – on his birthday) Poker Poems, Holding the Baby, Getta Life 150 m³ Largus, Ausstel­lungs- und Projek­traum (exhi­bi­tion and project space) Mozartstr. 9 Cologne (D)
2006 (29.3.) slide reading of short stories with menu for the new moon, Holding the Baby, Getta Life, Poker Poems, Night and Day, Zagreus Project, Koch/​Kunst/​Galerie (Cookery/​Art/​Gallery), Berlin (D)
2006 (5.4.) Profes­sional Prac­tice Seminar with trailers: Kölnisch Wasser, Hotel Chelsea Köln, Golden Showers, Red Hot Pokers, Röslein Sprach…, Promised Land, Fine Art Depart­ment, Sheffield Hallam Univer­sity (GB)
2006 (10.5) Körper­bilder (Body Images), seminar with video trailers Kölnisch Wasser, Golden Showers, Hotel Chelsea Köln, Red Hot Pokers, Promised Land, Kunstverein Dort­mund (D) www​.dort​munder​-kunstverein​.de
2006 (26.7. – 9.8.) Screen­ings: Kölnisch Wassser (split screen version), Hotel Chelsea Köln, Golden Showers, Röslein Sprach… Semi­nars: Who’s Boss, 4 pm 26th 27.7., Tüzraktér Inde­pen­dent Cultural Centre, Budapest (HU)
2006 (14.8) Promises: Promised Land & Theme Park DVD projec­tions, Seminar: Theme Park Recon­structed 3pm, Fort­night of Solo Shows, Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum (GB)
2006 (3.11. – 24.11.) 9 – 12 hours, work­shop with pupils from the Anne-Frank-Realschule (secondary modern). Opening 20 Uhr 3.11. Who’s Boss, Bochumer Kulturrat, (D)
2009 (25. – 26.3) March 25th, 6 p.m. SSC 026: video and power point presen­ta­tion (short version): Avant Garde Dating. March 26th, 3:30 pm, A203, perfor­mance video Touch me Not and power point presen­ta­tion (long version): Self-portrait of a Self-hating Jew, guest lecturer, Depart­ment of Crit­ical Studies (German) and Faculty of Creative and Crit­ical Studies, Univer­sity of British Columbia, Okanagan (CAN) web​.ubc​.ca/​o​k​a​n​a​g​an/cr… web​.ubc​.ca/​o​k​a​n​a​g​an/cr…;
2009 (9.1) Slid­Slide read­ings: Getta Life and Holding the Baby, video screen­ings: False Premises, KölnKöl­nisch Wasser (split screen version), Blind Spot, 18 hours, 7th December, phot­pho­to­graphic exhi­bi­tion foyer: Sibling Rivalry (10067 cm) & 2 portraits of Pete­Peter Zadek, 7.12.2008 – 28.1.2009, in the series Jewish Impres­sions”, Arkadas TheaThe­atre, Bühne der Kulturen (Stages of Diverse Cultures) Cologne (D)
2009 (11.9) Tanya Ury, Bitter-Sweet”, early video works: Trilogy (Lilith, Passion Play, Song of Songs), Break the Silence, Incom­mu­ni­cado, 8 pm, Bühne der Kulturen (Stages of Diver­sity), Cologne (D) www.buehnederkulturen.…
2009 (10.12) The Souls of my dead rela­tives. The Jewish Family estate Ury-Unger – lost in the City Archives, in the series Jewish Impres­sions”, solo power-point-presen­ta­tion: Gewissen (Conscience), 7 pm, EL-DE-Haus, Nazi Docu­men­ta­tion Centre, Cologne (D)
2010 (1922.8) Instal­la­tion of Video-Perfor­mance Fury, opening 7 pm, 19th August, kjubh KUNSTVEREIN (Art Centre), Dassel Strasse 75, Cologne (D) www​.kjubh​.de/​p​a​g​e​s/akt…
2011 (2.8.) Presen­ta­tion of Tanya Urys Video-Perfor­mance Fury, 8 pm, curator Jürgen Stoll­hans, Fritz-Schramma-Halle, Auenweg 173 GEB 6, 51063, Cologne (D) fritzschrammahalle.wor…
2012 (11.6) Tanya Ury is the featured artist with new works in the June edition online of Imag­i­na­tions: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, Univer­sity of Alberta, Canada, with Videos: Inti­macy, cement & dark room; a series of 17 concrete poems, the photo­graph Alibi­jude, Selec­tion from the Who’s Boss series, and 8 photos from Soul Brothers & Sisters, also 3 photos of Occupy in Stras­bourg, from the Fading into the Fore­ground series; further­more 5 toned poems (sounds, music and sound mix Kasander Nilist) and a peer review inter­view (text and Skype video) with Claude Desmarais, (CA) www​.csj​.ualberta​.ca/im…
2012 (7) Presen­ta­tion of the video Kölnisch Wasser by Richard Jackson, for the seminar Femi­nism and the Shoa — Jewish cultural destruc­tion”, Anglo-Amer­ican Univer­sity Prague (cz)
2012 (30.10.) Concen­tra­tion Camp Tattoos in Israel — The Horri­fying Number”, an article from Jerusalem by foreign corre­spon­dent Susanne Knaul, with a reader’s comment on Tanya Ury’s perfor­mance Kölnisch Wasser, online in the Taz (Tageszeitung) daily (D) www​.taz​.de/​!​5080621/
2013 (11.7. – 7.9) Righting the Image” — The Liter­a­ture Collec­tion in Cologne (LiK) and the Cologne City Library, present an exhi­bi­tion of Tanya Ury’s work. Opening event — Thursday, 11.7.2013, 8 pm. Intro­duc­tion: Dr. Gabriele Ewenz, Director of the LiK-Archive, with Suspended Beliefs — impro­vised poetry with impro­vised music: Tanya Ury (voice), Gernot Bogumil (trumpet), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percus­sion), Peter Worringer (e‑guitar)
2014 (13.2. – 21.4) Tanya Ury’s Hair Shirt Army, an instal­la­tion, spon­sored by the Kulturamt (Art’s Council Cologne), will be presented for the first time in the crypt of EL-DE-Haus, the Nazi Docu­men­ta­tion Centre, Cologne (D), opening 7pm, 13th February, with an intro­duc­tion by Professor Dr. Ernst van Alphen, Leiden Univer­sity (NL). A programme of events includes, a perfor­mance concert archive burn out with Suspended Beliefs” on 10th April, poetry with impro­vised music: Tanya Ury (voice), Gernot Bogumil (trumpet), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percus­sion)
2016 (21.530.6) Tanya Ury’s cunt prints 2013, presented for the first time are 2 framed series of 30 vibrant gouache body prints on paper. THANK SHOWS ART in the clothing boutique, Marsil­stein 2, 50676 Cologne (D)

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