
Lo-band U‑matic video, 26 minutes (English/​German)
Incor­po­rating Super 8 film material

Made during an ERASMUS award semester resi­dency at the Insti­tute for Theatre, Film and Tele­vi­sion Studies, Cologne University.

A DVD with German subti­tles, edited by Rainer Nelissen, was produced 2009, German trans­la­tion, Tanya Ury & Amin Farzanefar.

Price DVD 50 Euros

Trailer 3 minutes

Super­fi­cially, the docu­men­tary-style narra­tive describes the alien­ated rela­tion­ships of three Jewish sisters. The youngest, in search of her past, travels to Germany where the camera finds her doppel­gänger and an alter­na­tive life. The notion that subjec­tive and personal histo­ries cannot recon­cile them­selves with a recorded and social history infects the fiction, which never quite achieves an inte­grated form.


Script & direc­tion: Tanya Ury

Film extract: from Shoah“ by Claude Lanzman (F, 1985)

Quota­tion: Last verse of Todesfuge” (Death Fugue), Paul Celan 1948

Quota­tions from the Sepher Toldoth Jeshu” (The Jewish Life of Christ) (London: Progres­sive Publishing Company, 1885), ed. by G. W. Foote and J. M. Wheeler (HTML at Freethought Archives)

Quota­tions from: What History is and Why it is Impor­tant – Human­i­ties Foun­da­tion Course Unit 5, The Open Univer­sity 1975, The Open Univer­sity Press.

Sound bite: Vatican Radio 1989

Music: Introit from Fauré Requiem

Nubbelver­bren­nung” (an effigy repre­senting winter is burned) filmed after Karneval in Cologne 1989

Camera: Gesa Marten, Karen Knoch, Michael Twinem, Tanya Ury

Edit: Gesa Marten, Karen Knoch, Tanya Ury

Actors: Jane Bone, Tamsin Bone, Lauren Bone, Hannah Bone, Ben Hill­wood-Harris, Sam Howard-Williams, Sharon Kivland, Gesa Marten, Henni Nuss­baum, Michael Twinem

Trailer 3 minutes


1991 – 92 (solo) Sheffield Hallam Univer­sity Resi­dency screen­ings (GB)

1990 Femi­nale Film Festival, Cologne (D)

1990 Jewish Students Arts Festival, London (GB)

1989 Ave, Arnhem, Holland

1989 Reading Univer­sity Gallery (group)

1989 (solo) Insti­tute for Theatre, Film and Tele­vi­sion Studies, Cologne (D)

2009 (11.9) Tanya Ury, solo event Bitter-Sweet”, early video works, 8 pm, Bühne der Kulturen (Stages of Diver­sity), Cologne (D)


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