
A photo­graph height 31.5 cm x width 23.5 cm (edition of 7)

Insur­ance value of each photo 700 Euros

Concept Tanya Ury

Digital image processing Ingolf Pink

In several of her works Tanya Ury has adopted the name of Hermè or Herme (her & me):

Hermeneu­rotic — a collec­tion of works:

The photo­graph herme­sends is the re-working of a Paris fashion pattern publi­ca­tion cover: MODE du JOUR” from 1948; Modèle de Marthe”, orig­i­nally photographed by Bern­heim, features a woman wearing a hat with a ribbon, a netted face veil and two long feathers that like Hermes’ head­dress evoke the winged cap.

The legend, a dedi­ca­tion to a female Hermes replaces the maga­zine title – herme­sends” might signify: herme sends (her/​me sends greet­ings) or hermes ends (but her” story begins here).


Solo exhi­bi­tions

2013 (11.7. – 7.9) Righting the Image” — The Liter­a­ture Collec­tion in Cologne (LiK) and the Cologne City Library, present an exhi­bi­tion of Tanya Ury’s work. Opening event — Thursday, 11.7.2013, 8 pm. Intro­duc­tion: Dr. Gabriele Ewenz, Director of the LiK-Archive, with Suspended Beliefs — impro­vised poetry with impro­vised music: Tanya Ury (voice), Gernot Bogumil (trumpet), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percus­sion), Peter Worringer (e‑guitar)

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