Slide lecture (English), unpublished. Developed later as:
Taking on the Mantle 1999
Art or life (style) — pacifier or provocation? Inter-disciplinary, English artist Tanya Ury talks about the inspiration and content of her creative work.
The holocaust — is it a suitable subject for art? Certainly it has been a highly topical theme recently. But now that 50 years have passed, should one let sleeping dogs lie? Has the subject been exhausted? It is unusual to see this theme taken up by a Jewish artist in Germany because the need to identify with more positive historical aspects of Jewish history has created, among Jews, a veto of images portraying themselves in the role of victim. Rather than allowing her hands to be tied, second generation Jewish artist Tanya Ury has made it an issue to approach this history with an uncompromising stance verging on the politically incorrect. Tanya Ury will show her video Hotel Chelsea – Köln and discuss her other wide-ranging activities, the motivation, the practice and the means of acquiring public visibility in a world more interested in commercially viable products.
In order to immerse herself at the source, Tanya Ury moved to Cologne from the UK in 1993. The talk accompanied by slides, will be in English; the video is in German and English.
Tanya Ury
1997 “Der Durchtriebene Blick” (The Sly Look) Institute for Theatre, Film and Television Studies, University of Cologne (D)
1997 “Wi(e)der-sprache” (Talking Back) conference, Marginale Brüche, Migrantinnen, Schwarze Frauen, Jüdische Frauen im Kulturellen Diskurs Deutschland (Marginal Cracks, Migrant Women, Black and Jewish Women in Cultural Discourse), Cologne (D)