2 photographs, red and orange, sealed under plexiglass and mounted photograph H 46,3 cm x B 30 cm (Edition of 7) (Format 20,5 x 13) As T‑shirt: logo H 20 cm x 30 cm, White short-sleeved
Price 500 Euro Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Humanities candidate at Leiden University, Institute for Cultural Disciplines (NL)
In the artwork Boss Rune, a double ’s’ in runic characters, reminiscent of the SS symbol, replaces the double ’s’ in a Hugo Boss logo. Beneath this motif at an angle, the emblem has been repeated in mirror form.
The colours, black, red and white in Boss Rune, while evoking the current Hugo Boss advertisements for fragrance, also remind one of the Nazi party flag. In the deconstruction and reconstruction of this particular company insignia, its history is brought to bear, for the fashion corporation Hugo Boss AG employed slave labour to produce uniforms for the Third Reich.
Concept Tanya Ury
Digital processing: David Janecek
Who’s Boss — a collection of works:
- Art Prize
- Boss Rune
- Hair Shirt
- Hair Shirt Army
- Röslein Sprach…
- Selection
- shower proof
- Soul Brothers & Sisters
- sweatshop
- Your Rules
2005 Group exhibition, Opening 7 pm, 27th January, 28.1. – 27.3.2005, Boss Rune T‑Shirt and Boss Rune photos red and orange, “Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (”Always glad to be of service…”), ifa Galerie, Berlin (D) Opening 27th January, 28.1. – 27.3.2005,
2005 Group exhibition, Opening 8 pm, January 28th, 28.1.- end April 2005, Boss Rune T‑Shirt, Schöne Grüße (Best Wishes), Propeller, Seume Strasse 23, Friedrichshain, Berlin (D)
2005 Group exhibition, (28.5 – 3.7.) Who’s Boss, “Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (”Always glad to be of service…”), Prora Documentation Centre, Rügen (D)
2005 (11.11. – 6.1.2006) Group exhibition, Who’s Boss, “Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (”Always glad to be of service…”), Kunstverein Rosenheim (Art Centre), (D)
2006 (28.8. – 3.9) Who’s Boss as Seminar presentation, c.sides Festival, Jerusalem (IL)
2006 (3.11. – 24.11.) Solo exhibition, 9 – 12 hours workshop with pupils from the Anne-Frank-Realschule (secondary modern). Opening 20 Uhr 3.11., Bochumer Kulturverrat, (D)
2007 (4. – 7.4) Who’s Boss power point presentation Saturday, April 7th, 8:00 – 9:30 a.m., Salon K , Fashion, Appearance and Consumer Identity, Popular Culture Association, Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting, Boston Marriott, Boston (USA) www.popularculture.org…
2008 (25.4. – 15.5) Who’s Boss: Boss Rune (T‑shirts),) group exhibition, Open Space at the World-Ex-Position 08, Zentrum für Kunstprojekte Vienna www.openspace-zkp.org/… www.metamute.org/en/no… (AT)
2008 (16. – 18.5) Who’s Boss power point presentation in German, Limmud-Festival Werbellinsee (Jugenderholungs- und Begegnungsstätte) www.limmud.de/2008_en/… (D)
Publications & Press
Artist’s Writings & Publications
2005 “Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (”Always glad to be of service…”) catalogue, ifa Galerie, Berlin (D)
2006 (14−18.6) Who’s Boss as archival material, Performing Rights Library a four-day conference and accompanying programme of live events Performance Studies international (PSi) #12: Performing Rights, Queen Mary, University of London (GB)
2007 (7) Publication of Who’s Boss article in Translate/Narrate issue, volume 20, n.paradoxa, International Feminist Art Journal, London (GB) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/n.paradoxa/#current