Archive — a collection of works

In 1999, a year after the death of her mother Sylvia in London, and after long consid­er­a­tion, and family discus­sion, in which the London Leo Baeck Insti­tute, a Jewish archive, was also thought to be an appro­priate loca­tion to house the personal effects of the Ury/​Unger archive, Tanya Ury entrusted the family archive to the Histor­ical Archives in Cologne, Germany, where she has been living since 1993 and which was the home­town for many family members of previous gener­a­tions; it was to be a gesture of recon­cil­i­a­tion and trust towards Germany, to return these docu­ments, letters, photographs and other objects from several gener­a­tions of this German-Jewish family of artists and busi­ness people, who had expe­ri­enced perse­cu­tion, anni­hi­la­tion or exile at the hands of the Nazis.

The fall of the Histor­ical Archives in Cologne still remains unex­plained but is prob­ably due to earth move­ment resulting from under­ground building works in the vicinity of the new North-South-Tram­line. The collapse awakens memo­ries of a monu­mental histor­ical catastrophe.
Archive – a collec­tion of works


2009 (19.11) Fury, a dele­gated perfor­mance video (filmed 3.10) on the collapse of the Histor­ical Archives in Cologne for Tanja Ostojic’s project Misplaced Women”, online at White Box during Performa”, The Third Bien­nial of New Visual Art Perfor­mance, New York City (1 – 22.11.2009) (USA) Link to long & short version: vimeo​.com/​7662688 (Adobe flash player update free under google)
2010 (1922.8) Instal­la­tion of the Video-Perfor­mance Fury, solo exhi­bi­tion opening 7pm, 19th August, at kjubh KUNSTVEREIN (Art Centre), Dassel Strasse 75, Cologne (D) www​.kjubh​.de/​p​a​g​e​s/akt…
2011 (18.3. – 26.6) Instal­la­tion of the Video-Perfor­mance Fury, group exhi­bi­tion Kunst und Gedenken. Kölner Künstler/​innen mit Arbeiten zur Auseinan­der­set­zung mit dem Nation­al­sozial­ismus” (Art and Remem­bering. Cologne Artists with Art concerning National Socialism), opening: 17th March, EL-DE-Haus, National Socialist Docu­men­ta­tion Centre, Cologne (D) www​.museenkoeln​.de/hom…
2011 (2.8.) Presen­ta­tion of Tanya Ury’s Video-Perfor­mance Fury, 8 pm, curator Jürgen Stoll­hans, Fritz-Schramma-Halle, Auenweg 173 GEB 6, 51063, Cologne (D)
2012 (13.2) Presen­ta­tion of Tanya Ury’s Video-Perfor­mance Fury, out of the blue- plöt­zlich wird alles anders”, 6.15 pm, Director’s Lounge, Naher­holung Sternchen, Beroli­nas­traße 7, 10178, Berlin (D)

Festi­vals Etc.

2009 (16.8) Trapped” Cologne authors, priests and politi­cians on the collapse of the City Archives, 3 pm Basi­lika St. Severin, Im Ferkulum 29, 50678 Cologne (D): Tanya Ury: The souls of my dead rela­tives. The Loss of the Ury/​Unger family estate. 4.30 pm Sever­ingstor­burg, Chlod­wig­platz 2, 50677 Köln: Tanya Ury: reading from Alfred H. Unger’s The Story of the Great Nazarene (1926) http://​www​.koeln​-journal​.de/​i​n​d​e​x​/​s​e​i​t​e​/​A​k​t​u​e​l​l​e​s​/​a​r​t​i​k​e​l​/​4630822​/​d​o​k​u​m​e​n​t​/​4630821​/​d​a​t​e​i​/​g​r​o​s​s​e​b​e​n​e​f​i​z​v​e​r​a​n​s​t​a​l​t​u​n​g​f​u​e​r​h​i​s​t​o​r​i​s​c​h​e​s​a​r​c​h​i​v​.html
2009 (24.8) Action: Köln Kann Auch Anders (Cologne can do it better), 6 pm, Tanya Ury reading (20 minutes) in front of the Cologne Town Hall, on the collapse of the City Archives – The Souls of my Dead Rela­tives. The Loss of the Ury-Unger family archive, Cologne (D)
2009 (10.12) The Souls of my dead rela­tives. The Jewish Family estate Ury-Unger – lost in the City Archives, in the series Jewish Impres­sions”, solo power-point-presen­ta­tion: Gewissen (Conscience), 7 pm, EL-DE-Haus, Nazi Docu­men­ta­tion Centre, Cologne (D)
2010 (3.3) Tanya Ury: presen­ta­tion of The Souls of my dead rela­tives”. The Loss of the Jewish Ury/​Unger family estate. – lost in the City Archives. Reading: Gewissen (Conscience), Rubble and Shame” – A year after the Collapse of the Histor­ical Archives. KÖLN KANN AUCH ANDERS (Cologne can do better), Aura 09 & Kölner Komment (Cologne Comments), 7.30 pm Odeon Cinema, Severin Street 81, Cologne (D)

Publi­ca­tions & Press

2009 (19.3) Tanya Ury, radio inter­view with Annette Hager, 6.088 pm, Reso­nanzen WDR 3, on the collapse of the Historisches Archiv (Histor­ical Archives) Cologne (D) www​.wdr​.de/​t​h​e​m​e​n​/glob…
2009 (18.7) Tele­vi­sion inter­view (recorded 15.6) with Achim Zeil­mann of Aspekte ZDF Hilfeschreie aus Papier” (Paper Cries for Help), (repeated on days following): report on the collapse of the Historisches Archiv (Histor­ical Archives) Cologne (D)
2009 (28.8) Tele­vi­sion inter­view with Theo Roos, 7.20 pm, Kulturzeit – Köln Reloaded, 3 Sat, report on the collapse of the Historisches Archiv (Histor­ical Archives) Cologne (D)
2009 (6.10) Article by Helga Humbach, on the Aura event (16.8.): Trapped” Tanya Ury and Cologne authors, priests and politi­cians on the collapse of the City Archives, in ver.di-Zeitschrift Kunst & Kultur (Art & Culture Maga­zine), Cologne (D)
2011 (17.3.) Schwierige Deutschstunde (Diffi­cult German Lessons) — Kunst und Gedenken“ (Art and Remem­bering): Vielschichtige Schau im NS-Doku­men­ta­tion­szen­trum (Multi-Layerd Show in the National Socialist Docu­men­ta­tion Centre), Katha­rina Hamacher, Kölnische Rund­schau (news­paper), Cologne (D)
2011 (17.3.) Kölner Künstler setzen sich mit dem Nation­al­sozial­ismus auseinander (Cologne Artists Deal with National Socialism), Domstadt Kultur Kunst­stadt Köln www​.koeln​.de/​k​o​e​l​n/koe… (D)
2011 (17.3.) Es war, als wäre meine Familie ein zweite Mal ausgerottet worden“ (It was as though my family were wiped out a second time), report‑, Kölns Inter­net­zeitung‑…
2011 (17.3.) Tanya Ury brachte einen Koffer nach Köln (Tanya Ury brought a suit­case to Cologne), Köln Nachrichten – Das Online-Nachricht­en­magazin für Köln (Cologne’s online News Maga­zine (D)

Artist’s Writ­ings & Publications

2009 (22.4) Cologne’s Conscience” (German), article on the collapse of the Historisches Archiv (Histor­ical Archives) by Ury in the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Cologne City Adver­tiser) (D): Guten Morgen Köln!“ (Good morning Cologne!) online 22nd April from 9 am
2009 (25.5) Conscience 2” (German), 2nd article on the collapse of the Historisches Archiv (Histor­ical Archives) by Ury in the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Cologne City Adver­tiser) (D): Guten Morgen Köln!“ (Good morning Cologne!) online 25th May from 9 am http://​www​.ksta​.de/​h​t​m​l​/​a​r​t​i​k​e​l​/​1239772090094​.​shtml
2009 (16.7) Conscience 3” (German), 3rd article (short­ened version) on the collapse of the Historisches Archiv (Histor­ical Archives) by Ury in the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Cologne City Adver­tiser) (D): Guten Morgen Köln!“ (Good morning Cologne!) online from ca. 9 am under the news heading: http://​www​.ksta​.de/​h​t​m​l​/​s​e​i​t​e​n​/​1218146538604/
also: www​.ksta​.de/​h​t​m​l​/​artik…
2009 (12.8) Conscience 4” (German), 4th article on the collapse of the Historisches Archiv (Histor­ical Archives) by Ury in the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Cologne City Adver­tiser) (D): Guten Morgen Köln!“ (Good morning Cologne!) online from ca. 9 am under the news heading: www​.ksta​.de/​g​u​t​e​n​m​orgen
2009 (25.8) Conscience” arti­cles on the collapse of the Historisches Archiv (Histor­ical Archives) by Ury, on the website Köln kann auch anders” (Cologne can do better) (D)
2014 (3.5) Inter­view (22:18 minutes on 18th April) with Tanya Ury by Brigitte Lang and Rebecca Mann, on the instal­la­tion Who’s Boss: Hair Shirt Army in the Nazi Docu­men­ta­tion Centre, Cologne, including extracts of Ury’s concert perfor­mance archive burn out, with Suspended Beliefs: Tanya Ury (text/​voice), Gernot Bogumil (trumpet), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percus­sion)), online on Allewel­tonair (D) (All the World on air) as podcast – can’t dance without my shadow” www​.allewel​tonair​.de/t…
2014 (9) Inter­view with Tanya Ury by Verena Krippner, including extracts of Ury’s concert perfor­mance archive burn out, with Suspended Beliefs: Tanya Ury (text/​voice), Gernot Bogumil (trumpet), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percus­sion), online at this link: fish​ing​fore​mo​tions​.de/ (D)

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