
2006 (25.7.) Naming no Shaming, an action organ­ised by Tanya Ury on the Danube – Budapest, Hungary, next to the Holo­caust memo­rial Iron Shoes on the Shores of the Danube” with a small group of 20 Budapest Hungar­ians and Rabbi Tamas Vero, who said a prayer, an unof­fi­cial plaque with the wording (in Hungarian): In memory of the Jewish citi­zens who were shot into the Danube by Hungarian fascists in 1944.” was fastened into the ground, where the offi­cial plaque omitted to mention that victims were Jewish. The action was, docu­mented with photographs by Istvan Javor.
2010 (31.10) Tanya Ury reads you walk back­wards with Artists Read for Freedom, Soli­darity Event for the Cologne Writer Dogan Akhanli, 6 pm Forum Volk­shochschule in the Museum Raut­en­strauch-Joest, Cäcilien­straße 2933, Cologne (D)
2014 (1.9.) Tanya Ury speaks, as repre­senting member of Euro­pean Jews for a Just Peace at the anti-war demon­stra­tion, 6 pm, on the Dom Cathe­dral Square, Cologne (D) www.zivilklausel.uni‑k…
2017 (26.7.) Tanya Ury, of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Near East, Germany, spoke at 50 Years of Occu­pa­tion”, a day of action with the BDS Group Bonn (Boycott, Disin­vest­ment and Sanc­tions), DPG Bonn (German Pales­tinian Asso­ci­a­tion), the Pales­tinian Commu­nity in Bonn, and the Insti­tute for Pales­tine Studies, 2 pm, 17.6.2017, at Münster­platz, Bonn. A video docu­men­ta­tion of the speech can be seen at this link www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…, Neue Rheinische Zeitung,
2017 (23.9.) Tanya Ury gives an intro­duc­tion, in the name of The Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East Germany to the theatre piece I won’t hate” by Izzeldin Abue­laish, adapted by Silvia Armbruster and Ernst Konarek. Direc­tion Ali Jalaly, stage Peter Busmann, with Michael Morgen­stern. Saturday 23.9.2017, 8 pm, Zentrifuge Theatre, Godes­berger Allee 70, Bonn-Bad Godes­berg (D)
2017 (15.11.) An article by Tanya Ury — member of The Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East Germany — on Michael Morgenstern’s role in the theatre piece I won’t hate” by Izzeldin Abue­laish, a Pales­tinian doctor – to be presented in Munich 18th November 2017 in the Haus für Weit­er­bil­dung (House for Further Educa­tion), published in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung (New Rhenish Gazette) Cologne (D) at this link (scroll down for English version): www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…
2017 (29.11.) An initia­tive of Euro­pean Jews (OneJJ) has been started for the hundredth anniver­sary of the Balfour decla­ra­tion (2.11.2017): the public handing back of our right of return” to our home­land” Israel (according to the Israeli Law of Return). A video clip by Tanya Ury is included in the #reject­la­wofre­turn project, and can be seen online at these links: onejj​.org/​y​o​u​r​-​s​t​ories… www​.youtube​.com/​watch?…
2017 (16.12.) Tanya Ury of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Near East, Germany, spoke at Freedom for Jerusalem! Freedom for Pales­tine”, a day of action with the BDS Group Bonn (Boycott, Disin­vest­ment and Sanc­tions), DPG Bonn (German Pales­tinian Asso­ci­a­tion), the Pales­tinian Commu­nity in Bonn, and the Insti­tute for Pales­tine Studies, from 2pm at Martin­splatz, Bonn (D) The speech was published on Abi Melzer’s der SEMIT blog at this link: www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…
2018 (19.5.) Tanya Ury, of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Near East, Germany, gives a speech including a poem, at 70 Years of Nakba”, a day of action with the BDS Group Bonn (Boycott, Disin­vest­ment and Sanc­tions), DPG Bonn (German Pales­tinian Asso­ci­a­tion), the Pales­tinian Commu­nity in Bonn, and the Insti­tute for Pales­tine Studies, 2 pm, at Münster­platz, Bonn (D)
2018 (26.5.) Tanya Ury gives an intro­duc­tion, in the name of The Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East Germany to the theatre piece I won’t hate” by Izzeldin Abue­laish, adapted by Silvia Armbruster and Ernst Konarek. Direc­tion Ali Jalaly, stage Peter Busmann. Actor Michael Morgen­stern. Saturday 26th Mai 2018, 8 pm, Im Theater der Keller, Kleingedankstraße 6, 50677, Cologne (D)
2018 (8.) Tanya Ury’s activist activ­i­ties as a member of The Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East, Germany referred to on the German The Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East, Germany website de​.wikipedia​.org/​wiki/…
2018 (10.11) Tanya Ury’s poem anima 19 (20.05.2018), recorded by, and together with Kasander Nilist (double bass) and placed by Susanne Fasbender on her Brand” (Fire) films blog. This blog is about the Hambach Forest in North Rhine-West­phalia, the police and German energy company RWE’s brutal deal­ings with the tree activists – who were demon­strating against defor­esta­tion for brown coal mining purposes — and the acci­dental death of Steffen Meyn on 19th September 2018, who was filming for a docu­men­tary on the Hambach Forest situ­a­tion brandfilme-blog.cabano… (D)
2018 (10.11) Tanya Ury’s poem anima 19 (20.05.2018), recorded by, and together with Kasander Nilist (double bass) and placed by Susanne Fasbender on her Brand” (Fire) films blog. This blog is about the Hambach Forest in North Rhine-West­phalia, the police and German energy company RWE’s brutal deal­ings with the tree activists – who were demon­strating against defor­esta­tion for brown coal mining purposes — and the acci­dental death of Steffen Meyn on 19th September 2018, who was filming for a docu­men­tary on the Hambach Forest situ­a­tion brandfilme-blog.cabano… (D)
brandfilme-blog.cabano… (D)
2018 (24.11.) Tanya Ury, of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Near East, Germany, gives a speech including a poem – twenty per cent -, at Soli­darity with Pales­tine”, a day of action with the BDS Group Bonn (Boycott, Disin­vest­ment and Sanc­tions), DPG Bonn (German Pales­tinian Asso­ci­a­tion), the Pales­tinian Commu­nity in Bonn, and the Insti­tute for Pales­tine Studies, 2 pm, at Münster­platz, Bonn (D) A photo docu­men­ta­tion can be seen at this link 

www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Arbeit­er­fo­tografie (New Rhenish Gazette, Workers Photog­raphy) (D).

www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit… (Video of Tanya Ury) www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit… (Poem by Tanya Ury)

2019 (27.01.) Tanya Ury has recorded several text state­ments in English trans­la­tion of 60 Roma or Sinti Holo­caust survivors for Voices of the victims”, an online digital archive‑o…. This project was initi­ated by Karola Fings Deputy Director of EL-DE-Haus (Nazi Docu­men­ta­tion Centre) Cologne (D), as part of the RomArchive, Berlin which is devised as an inter­na­tional digital archive for art of the Roma – a constantly growing collec­tion of art of all types, comple­mented by histor­ical docu­ments and schol­arly texts, launched at this linkwww​.romarchive​.eu/de/c… (D)
2019 (27.2.) Tanya Ury’s letter (in German) to Prof Dr Beisiegel (Pres­i­dent of the George August Göttingen Univer­sity), Mr. Hald (Chair of the Göttingen Sparkasse Bank), Mayor Köhler, Prof Dr Neuneck (Professor of Peace Studies) and Dr Roehl (The Göttingen Peace Prize bene­fac­tors) regarding their preven­tion of the Prize being awarded to the Jewish Voice for Peace in the Middle East, Germany, on 9th March 2019, published online by Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Arbeit­er­fo­tografie (New Rhenish Gazette, Workers Photog­raphy) (D) at this link: www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…
2019 (from 27.2.) Conscience 5, article (German: Gewissen 5) on the collapse of the Historisches Archiv (Histor­ical Archives of the City of Cologne) and its devas­tating conse­quences for the Ury family legacy, ten years on, by Ury, published together with Conscience 1 – 4, 2009, online by Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Arbeit­er­fo­tografie (New Rhenish Gazette, Workers Photog­raphy) (D) at these links: Gewissen (Conscience) 5 from 27.02.2019: www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…

Gewissen (Conscience) 1 from 07.03.2019: www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…

Gewissen (Conscience) 2 from 14.03.2019: www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…

Gewissen (Conscience) 3 from 20.03.2019: www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…

Gewissen (Conscience) 4 from 30.03.2019: www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…

2019 (09.03.) Video: Accom­pa­nied by protests: Göttingen Peace Prize awarded. Tagess­chau (daily TV news show of the ARD) 9.3.2019: www​.tagess​chau​.de/mult…
2019 (28.4.) We are a small but steady and vocif­erous voice – clear and loud.” Tanya Ury, of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Near East, Germany is invited tospeak on 28thApril (in English) about The Jewish Voice and its work, 12 am, 28thApril, at The Deten­tion of chil­dren is a crime against humanity”, fifth­con­fer­enceof the Euro­pean Alliance in Defence of Pales­tinian Detainees, 27. – 28..April 2019, Maison des Asso­ci­a­tions Inter­na­tionales, Rue Wash­ington 40, 1050, Brus­sels (BE). Speech published (in German) 22ndMay, online by Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Arbeit­er­fo­tografie (New Rhenish Gazette, Workers Photog­raphy) at this link:www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…
2019 (13.9.) We are a small but steady and vocif­erous voice – clear and loud.” Tanya Ury, of the Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Near East, Germany speaks (in English) about The Jewish Voice and its work, 2:15 – 3:15 pm, 13thSeptember, at Jewish Women: Being Present, Bringing Change”, theNinth Inter­na­tional Bet Debora Confer­ence of Euro­pean Jewish Women Activists, Acad­e­mics, Artists, Rabbis and Cantors, 13th-15thSeptemberHotel Palace, Belgrade (SRB)www​.bet​-debora​.net/act…
2019 (28.4.) Es ist nicht Anti­semitismus, wenn über Menschen­rechte gesprochen wird“. Tanya Ury, Mitglied der Jüdis­chen Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost“ (EJJP Deutsch­land), reagiert auf das Inter­view in der Zeit“ (www​.zeit​.de/​p​o​l​i​t​ik/de…) vom 25.9.2019 mit Andreas Geisel, Poli­tiker (SPD) und Senator für Inneres und Sport in Berlin. Urys State­ment wurde (auf Deutsch) in der NRhZ (Neue Rheinische Zeitung), Arbeit­er­fo­tografie am 3.10.2019, unter diesem Link veröf­fentlicht:www​.nrhz​.de/​f​l​y​e​r​/beit…

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