twenty-twenty vision

Web site: www​.tanyaury​.com

twenty-twenty vision is a text by Tanya Ury, commis­sioned as a cata­logue article for Lesser Ury — Stadt /​Land /​Licht“ (Lesser Ury – City /​Land /​Light), a mono­graphic exhi­bi­tion of Lesser Ury’s work. Schloss Achberg, 2020.

Due to the Coro­n­avirus crisis, the exhi­bi­tion has been post­poned till the following year.

twenty-twenty vision was written a hundred years after the German Impres­sionist Lesser Ury produced his drypoint etching Leipziger Strasse in rainy weather”, 1920. The story tells of my first encounter with this artwork some 50 years ago, of my great-grand uncle’s humble origins, in Birn­baum, of other family history and those of friends, looking back with hindsight.

The title is after the proverb twenty-twenty hind­sight, meaning the under­standing of events only after they have happened. The proverb refers to the term 20/​20 that is normal visual acuity.

Tanya Ury


2021 () Lesser Ury — Stadt /​Land /​Licht“ (Lesser Ury – City /​Land /​Light), a mono­graphic exhi­bi­tion of Lesser Ury’s work includes Tanya Ury’s photo­graphic work lesser is me more or less 2003, and twenty-twenty vision, a short story by Tanya Ury is also presented in the cata­logue for the exhi­bi­tion at Schloss Achberg, Achberg 2, 88147 Achberg (D)

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