Fashion Victim

A photo­graph sealed under plex­i­glass and mounted, (56cm x 94.5cm)

Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Human­i­ties candi­date at Leiden Univer­sity, Insti­tute for Cultural Disci­plines (NL)

The photo­graph combines a German news­paper article (2000) on Hugo Boss the fashion concern and its origins and fascistic wartime activ­i­ties with a contem­po­rary Boss adver­tise­ment for Dark Blue’, a man’s toilet water.

The photo­graph combines a German news­paper article (2000) on Hugo Boss the fashion concern and its origins and fascistic wartime activ­i­ties with a contem­po­rary Boss adver­tise­ment for Dark Blue’, a man’s toilet water.

The German news­paper article by Wulf Reimer in the Süddeutsche Zeitung from January 2000, discusses the histor­ical research by Dr. Elis­a­beth Timm of the Boss rise to promi­nence under the Nazi Régime. After becoming a party member in 1931, Hugo Boss was priv­i­leged with a contract to make SS, SA (Storm Trooper) and HJ (Hitler Youth) uniforms. In the face of this back­ground, the adver­tise­ment for Dark Blue, a Hugo Boss men’s toilet water, with which the news­paper cutting is combined, is partic­u­larly cynical. A blue-tinted black and white image of a male model’s face, eyes down­cast, displaying a demonic, threat­ening look, is accom­pa­nied by the words the darker side of Hugo’.

Jacob’s Ladder – a collec­tion of works:

Who’s Boss — a collec­tion of works:


2002 Jacob’s Ladder (solo), Hochbunker Cologne-Ehren­feld (9th Nov. 2002 Cologne’s Long Museum’s Night) (D)

2005 Always glad to be of service …”, ifa Galerie, Berlin (D)

2005 Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (”Always glad to be of service…”), Prora Doku­men­ta­tion­szen­trum, Rügen (D)

2005 Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (“Always glad to be of service…”), Kunstverein Rosen­heim (D) (Art Centre), Opening 9th November

2005, 19 hours. The exhi­bi­tion is from 9th November till 6th January 2006

2006 (26.7. – 9.8.) Solo exhi­bi­tion, Seminar in the exhi­bi­tion, Tüzraktér Inde­pen­dent Cultural Centre, Budapest (HU)

2006 (28.8. – 3.9.) Who’s Boss as Seminar presen­ta­tion, c.sides Festival, Jerusalem ICC (Inter­na­tional Conven­tion Center)(IL)

2006 (3.11. – 24.11.) Solo exhi­bi­tion, 9 – 12 hours work­shop with pupils from the Anne-Frank-Realschule (secondary modern). Opening 20 Uhr 3.11., Bochumer Kulturrat, (D)

2007 (4. – 7.4) Who’s Boss power point presen­ta­tion Saturday, April 7th, 8:00 – 9:30 a.m., Salon K , Fashion, Appear­ance and Consumer Iden­tity, Popular Culture Asso­ci­a­tion, Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting, Boston Marriott, Boston (USA) www​.popu​lar​cul​ture​.org

2008 (16. – 18.5) Who’s Boss power point presen­ta­tion in German, Limmud-Festival Werbellinsee (Jugen­der­hol­ungs- und Begeg­nungsstätte) www​.limmud​.de (D)

Publi­ca­tions & Press

2005 (16.2.) Article: Es fährt ein Bus nach Sach­sen­hausen — Die dunkle Seite von Hugo Boss (There’s a bus driving to Sach­sen­hausen — the dark side of Hugo boss), by Brigitte Werneburg, TAZ news­paper (D) more
(25.2.) Review with photo still Röslein sprach…, Hugo’s dunklere Seite” (Hugo’s dark side) article by Martin Conrads, Netzeitung​.de, Voice of Germany (D) more


2005 (3) Article: Neue Liter­atur, Palästina Journal Nr. 61 (New Liter­a­ture, Pales­tine Journal No. 61), by Thea Geinitz (D) more
2011 (9.5.) Presen­ta­tion of the exhi­bi­tion Jacob’s Ladder mentioned in the Veedel (Neigh­bour­hood) Website: Hochbunker Körn­er­straße: Ein beson­derer Ort für beson­dere Kunst” (The Above Ground Bunker in Koerner Street: A Special Place for Special Art), by Jürgen Brock-Milden­berger 4veedel​.de/ Cologne (D)

Jacob’s Ladder:

Who’s Boss:

Fashion Victim

Artist’s Writ­ings & Publications

2005 Thorn in the side, inter­view by Amin Farzanefar, with image Art Prize No. 4, Zeitschrift für Kultur Austausch (Maga­zine for Cultural Exchange) (D) more

2005 (1.4.) Who’s Boss project presented in Anti-Flick-Collec­tion Edition

of Texte zur Kunst, in the TAZ news­paper, Berlin (D)

2005 Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (”Always glad to be of service…”) cata­logue, ifa Galerie, Berlin (D)

2006 (1418.6) Who’s Boss as archival mate­rial, Performing Rights Library a four-day confer­ence and accom­pa­nying programme of live events Perfor­mance Studies inter­na­tional (PSi) #12: Performing Rights, Queen Mary, Univer­sity of London (GB)

2007 (7) Publi­ca­tion of Who’s Boss article in Translate/​Narrate issue, volume 20, n.paradoxa, Inter­na­tional Femi­nist Art Journal, London (GB)


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