
A short story English/​German (unpub­lished)

Renate is a short story written to be read out at Freitag, der Dreizehnte” Friday the thir­teenth), a perfor­mance event in Cologne on the subject of cancer curated by Siglinde Kallnbach: 12th October 2007.

German version Tanya Ury & Amin Farzanefar

Renate Loeb was a child­hood friend of Tanya Ury. This narra­tive docu­ments inci­dents that ran parallel in the lives of the two fami­lies Loeb and Ury.

Tanya Ury


2007 (13.10.) Vorlesung Perfor­mance­abend Freitag, der Dreizehnte” Thema Krebs (reading perfor­mance evening Friday the thir­teenth“ subject cancer), 8 pm, Kunst­Werk Köln (D)


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