Video-installation and some printed concrete poetry
“Pomes Penyeach” was the title of James Joyce’s thirteen-poem collection, written over a twenty-year period (1904−24).
The title is a play on “poems” and “pommes” (the French word for apples) which are here offered at “a penny each” in either currency. It was the custom for Irish tradespeople of the time to offer their customers a “tilly” (in Irish, tuilleadh (= more)) or extra serving – just as English bakers had developed the tradition of the “Baker’s dozen”, offering thirteen loaves instead of twelve.…
pommes, the title for my series of poems, which is mostly written in English with parts also in German, is a further play on words — it means chips in German; the expression, a shortened version of pomme de terre, earth apples was absorbed into the German language from Belgian — the so-called “French fries” actually originated from Belgium.
Like half dimensional poems 2009 – 2011, cement 2011 and weißer neger (white nigger) 2011, pommes is prose poetry, written in English and German. In style and sense these are concrete poems, a collection of jumbled abstract thoughts, misunderstood conversation and misread text, which, reflect the daily life and temperament of the Jewish artist. This piece, unlike Tanya Ury’s other concrete poetry will however be presented with several actors and thematises Jewish identity and life in Germany today.
Tanya Ury
Tanya Ury’s written poetry may be regarded as “concrete” because of its visual design, and unconventional aural effect when spoken — the texts thereby gain in dimension beyond accepted meaning.
2011, Ury created visual images of 17 concrete poems, to be presented online and as print versions (23.5 x 32.45 cm), digital image processing Mirco Sanftleben, two of these poems being femininity and femininiation, the rest being part of the series cement, weißer neger (white nigger), concrete party & oral call, cross word, toned poems, two toned, pommes, taste of space, leeres archiv and since 2011 Tanya Ury recorded 6 of the more traditional poems (toned poems: 5.54 minutes) to be found in the poetry series, together with Kasander Nilist (double bass, sound and mix), also for the June edition online of Imaginations – Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, University of Alberta (CA) with Ury as featured artist.…
Ury has also created other artworks that might be considered visual poetry. Moving Message 1992, incorporates an LED sign displaying the words: you are why; Sonata in Sea 1999 – 2000 is a photo series combined with poetry and wrestlewithyourangel 2001, is a neon sign produced together with the neon sign neonazi 2001; the title of a double photo portrait lesser is me more or less 2003 plays on the name of the German Post-Impressionist Lesser Ury, as does the title of a further double portrait or else 2007, which refers to the German writer Else Ury. The title of a third photo-portrait Beelzebularin 2005 (in the Promised Land series) reveals itself to be an anagram of the biblical Bezalel Ben Uri. half dimensional — semi detached 2010, combines the first of the half dimensional poems with the photograph semi detached.
concrete – a collection of works (including poetry series)
- femininity – femininiation 2011
- Moving Message 1992
- Word-fore-play – Recipe for Love 1995
- Sonata in Sea 1999 – 2000
- wish 2000
- wrestlewithyourangel 2001
- neonazi 2001
- Poker Poems 2003
- elle la poésie 2003
- lesser is me more or less 2003
- Promised Land – a collection of works 2005
- Mid Summer 2005
- Un 2006
- or else 2007
- half dimensional poems 2009 – 2011
- half dimensional – semi detached 2010
- cement 2011
- on a mat appear 2011 -
- Lost Poems 2011
- weißer neger (white nigger) 2011
- informed 1.3.2011
- concrete party 2011
- oral call 2011
- cross word 2011 – 2012
- toned poems 2011 – 2012
- two toned 2012
- pommes 2012
- taste of space 2012 – 2013
- leeres archiv (empty archive) 2013
- archive burn out 2011 – 2014
- hero of your own saga 2013 – 2014
- magical reality 2014 – 2015
2013 (11.7. – 7.9) “Righting the Image” — The Literature Collection in Cologne (LiK) and the Cologne City Library, present an exhibition of Tanya Ury’s work. Opening event — Thursday, 11.7.2013, 8 pm. Introduction: Dr. Gabriele Ewenz, Director of the LiK-Archive, with Suspended Beliefs — improvised poetry with improvised music: Tanya Ury (voice), Gernot Bogumil (trumpet), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percussion), Peter Worringer (e‑guitar)