Web site: www.tanyaury.com
Web site: misplacedwomen.wordpre…
love in the time of corona by Tanya Ury is a contribution by invitation, to Tanja Ostojić’s Misplaced Women? project.
This poetic narrative, also including poetry — being about isolation, but also feelings of misplacement because of age and illness even before the time of corona — incorporates quotations from Gabriel García Márquez, Hélène Cixous, Russell Hoban and Paul Celan.
The initial platform is online, a book and exhibitions with further participants are being planned for 2021 and 2022.
Fury 2009, by Tanya Ury was a delegated performance video, her first contribution to Tanja Ostojic’s project Misplaced Women?, about the loss of the Ury/Unger family archive with the collapse of the Historical Archives in Cologne, on 3rd March 2009, and, filmed on 3rd October, German Re-unification Day, on the twentieth anniversary of re-unification.
Group Exhibitions
Artist’s Writings & Publications
2020 (6) Tanya Ury publishes love in the time of corona, a poetic narrative in English, as a contribution by invitation to Tanja Ostojić’s Misplaced Women?. The text being about isolation and feelings of misplacement, because of age and illness even before the time of corona, is presented online at: misplacedwomen.wordpre…