1992 – 93 | False Premises, Moving Message, British Telecom New Contemporaries on tour, curated by Guy Brett, Derek Jarman & Marina Warner: Orion in Newlyn, Cornerhouse in Manchester, Angel Row in Nottingham, Orpheus in Belfast (IRL) ICA in London (GB) |
1993 | Kölnisch Wasser live video/performance, Break the Silence — A Video Diary, 120 Tage Einsamkeit (120 Days of Solitude), Galerie 68Elf Cologne (D) |
1993 | Seduction 2, False Premises & lecture, Women in Art Practice conference, Exeter (GB) |
1995 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Coincidence, Ignis European Cultural Centre, Cologne (D) |
1996 | Play it By Ear, Castle of Imagination, Bytow (PL) |
1996 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Whitechapel Gallery, London (GB) |
1996 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Triptych for a Jewish Princess Second Generation, Mensch 2000, Hochbunker Cologne-Ehrenfeld (D) |
1997 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Hotels, (with Doris Frohnapfel), SCHULZ Cologne (D) |
1998 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Triptych for a Jewish Princess Second Generation, Play it By Ear, Not Black and White (with Doris Frohnapfel), Fotogalerie Brotfabrik, Berlin (D) |
1998 | Blue Danaé I, outfit authentizität und maskerade (outfit authenticity and masquerade), International Photoszene, Kunsthaus, Rhenania, Cologne (D) |
1998 | Blue Danaé I & 2, Triptych for a Jewish Princess Second Generation, Davka, Jüdisches Leben in Berlin – Traditionen und Visionen, (Jewish Life in Berlin — Traditions and Visions), Centrum Judaicum (D) |
1999 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Crosslinks (Videothek), Berliner Marstall (D) |
1999 | Golden Showers, Die Gehängten/Hung Up, Menschen Wie Du Und Ich — 4 artists in response to the exhibition: Vernichtungskrieg Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941 bis 1944 (Crimes of the German Army 1941 – 44), Cologne City Museum (D) |
1999 | Die Gehängten/Hung Up, Davka, Kulturbrauerei Prenslauerberg, Berlin (D) |
1999 | Die Gehängten/Hung Up, The Jewish Central-Labyrinth, Berlin (D) |
2000 | Ô d’Oriane, Women Look (with Anna Halm-Schudel), In Focus Galerie, Cologne (D) |
2000 | Dual(national)ity, Die Gehängten/Hung up, Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Heimat Kunst (Homeland Art), House of World Cultures, Berlin (D) |
2000 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln and 2 video stills (photos) Gegen den Strich, Museum Ludwig, Cologne (D) |
2000 | Jack the Ladder, Dual(national)ity, Stechmücke (work in progress as reading), Aesthetik 1,2,3, 68Elf Galerie Photoscene Cologne (D) |
2001 | wrestlewithyourangel & neonazi, Termini Technici, Trinitatis Church Cologne (D) |
2001 | Between the Lines or the Three Rs, Rolf Steiner’s ‘The Wide World’ (edition 30): Rupert Walser, Art Cologne (D) |
2001 | Between the Lines or the Three Rs, Rolf Steiner’s ‘The Wide World’ (edition 30): (with reading 4 pm on December 7th) House of Literature Cologne (D) |
2001 | Between the Lines or the Three Rs, Rolf Steiner’s ‘The Wide World’ (edition 30): Claus Bittner Bookshop Cologne (D) |
2002 | Between the Lines or the Three Rs, Rolf Steiner’s ‘The Wide World’ (edition 30): Studio Dumont, Cologne (D) |
2002 | Hermes Insensed, & screening of Hotel Chelsea – Köln, Ambivalence, Women’s Museum Bonn (D) |
2002 | Hermes Insensed, & screening of Hotel Chelsea – Köln,Ambivalence, Galerie Münsterland Emsdetten (D) |
2002 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln photo series, Kultur Köln 30 Cologne Ehrenfeld (D) |
2002 | Dual(national)ity, Transcending the Ladder (reading 16th Oct), Europe Beyond Borders, City of Women, Mednarodni Graficini Likovni Center, Ljubljana (SL) |
2002-03 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln video still, Annual Exhibition, Köln Kultur 30 (D) |
2003 | beachcomber, Images against War, Galerie Lichtblick Cologne (D) |
2003-04 | lesser is me more or less, Jack the Ladder, The Right of the Image, Jewish Perspectives in Modern Art, Museum Bochum (D) |
2004 | Ô d’Oriane, Kölnisch Wasser (split screen projection), Lies, Lust, Art & Fashion — Signale der Kleidung (Clothing Signals), Podewil, Berlin (D) |
2004 | Between the Lines or the Three Rs, Rolf Steiner’s “Die weite Welt” (The Wide World), Museum Ludwig Cologne (D) |
2004 | beachcomber Images Against War, Art School, Hasselt (B) |
2004 | Who’s Boss: Hair Shirt, Dresscodes, Kunstverein Neuhausen (D) |
2005 | Who’s Boss: Fashion Victim, Hair Shirt, Art Prize, Röslein Sprach…, Your Rules, Boss Rune (& Boss Rune T‑shirts), “Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (”Always glad to be of service…”), ifa Galerie, Berlin (D) |
2005 | (28.1.-end April) Boss Rune T‑shirts, Schöne Grüße (Best Wishes), Propeller, Friedrichshain, Berlin (D) |
2005 | (26.3. – 23.4 Opening 24th March 7 pm) Poker Poems & Röslein sprach…, slide reading 20th April 150 m³ Largus, Ausstellungs- und Projektraum (exhibition and project room) Mozartstrasse 9, Cologne (D) |
2005 | (28.5 – 3.7.) Who’s Boss, Prora Documentation Centre, Rügen (D) |
2005 | (18.9. – 2.10.) Dual(national)ity dibond photos, Contact — Context, Künstlerforum Bonn (D) |
2005 | (9.11. – 6.1.2006) Who’s Boss, “Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (”Always glad to be of service…”), Kunstverein Rosenheim (Art Centre), (D) |
2005 | (2−18.12) DVD Version, Traum und Trauma - Zur Idee des Staates Israel in Film und Video, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin ((Dream and Trauma - On the Idea of the State of Israel in Film and Video, House of World cultures, Berlin(D) |
2006 | (25.3.) Travelcookbook, slide reading of short stories with menu, Stick Insect, Getta Life, Recipe for Love, Mid Summer, Propeller, Friedrichshain, Berlin (D) |
2006 | (6.5. – 18.6.) Promised Land, Jahresausstellung (Yearly exhibition), Kunstverein Rosenheim (D) |
2006 | (29.8. – 31.8) Promised Land DVD projection with discussion, Jerusalem Cinematheque evening of 29.8, Promised Land DVD projection & Theme Park computer-based projection in exhibition, Who’s Boss and Theme Park Reconstructed as seminar presentations, c.sides festival, International Convention Center, Jerusalem. (IL) |
2006 | (2.9.-end September) Group exhibition, Who’s Boss: Soul Brother Shaheen, Connection, Propeller, Berlin (D) |
2006 | (9.9−13.10) Pictures and statements from Fading into the Foreground, group exhibition: Emergency Room, curator Thierry Geoffroy Colonel, Galerie Olaf Stüber, Berlin (D) |
2006 | (6.10. – 27.10) Promised Land: 3 photographs: Beelzebularin and 2 digitally handwritten texts in English and German, Virtual Residency, Galeria Biala, Centrum Kultury, Lublin (PL) |
2007 | (10.3.) Promised Land: Beelzebularin awarded a commendation in the International Jewish Artists of the Year Awards, Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art (GB) |
2007 | (11.3. – 9.4.) 4 double portraits: lesser is me more or less, or else, Du bist Einstein, doo bee doo and the video Promised Land, Connected, Jewish Cultural Days, Altes Museum im BIS-Zentrum (Old Museum in the BIS Centre), Moenchengladbach www.connected-mg.de (D) |
2007 | (15. – 18.6) Photos Nos. 39 & 51 Theme Park, Urban Life, The Forest Café, A weekend of photography, film and performance poetry Edinburgh (GB) www.stimulusrespond.co… |
2007 | (15.7. – 26.8.) 2 double portraits: or else, Du bist Einstein, Kunstverein Rosenheim Jahresausstellung (yearly exhibition of the Rosenheim Art Centre), opening 14th July, Städtische Galerie (City Gallery), Rosenheim (D) |
2007 | (1. – 2.9.) False Premises DVD with German subtitles, Artemiade, Kunst in der Siedlung am Kalscheurer Weg (art in the Kalscheurer Way housing estate), Cologne (D) artemiade.de/?page_id=… |
2007 | (27.9. – 3.10) Tanya Ury’s new work in the collaborative context with Laurel Jay Carpenter during the ”Avant-Garde Dating” week at Art Forum, The New Life Shop Art Gallery, Choriner Strasse 85, Berlin (D) www.wooloo.org/avantga… |
2007 | (6.11−16.12) Opening 5th November, ending 16th December, Promised Land DVD projection & Theme Park, computer-based projection, exhibition Diaspora and Troubles curated by Tanya Ury. Performance Red Hot Pokers (Tanya Ury and Kristof Szabo) 3 pm, 16th December, Kunstbunker Tumulka, Munich (D) www.kunstbunker-tumulk… www.kunstbunker-tumulk… |
2007 | (30.11. – 11.1.2008) Included in the exhibition “In Pursuit: Art on Dating” at the ISE Cultural Foundation Gallery, New York (USA) is a computer representation with all video trailers from the week’s residency in the New Life Shop Art Gallery, Berlin (D) www.isefoundation.org/… |
2008 | (15.2 – 30.3.) Video projection installation “Trains” with music by Till Rohmann & 6 photos from the series (work in progress) Fading into the Foreground (30 x 42 cm), “Politics”, opening 8 pm, Künstlerhaus Dortmund (D) www.kuenstlerhaus-dort… |
2008 | (24. – 26.4) 6 photos (13 x 18 cm) from the series XX, Kommen Sie Nach Hause 9 (Come Home 9), Kunst und Design Gereonswall 27a, Cologne www.kommensienachhause… (D) |
2008 | (25.4. – 15.5) Who’s Boss: Boss Rune (T‑shirts) & Röslein Sprach… (DVD), Open Space at the World-Ex-Position 08, Zentrum für Kunstprojekte Vienna www.openspace-zkp.org/… www.metamute.org/en/no… (AT) |
2009 | (5.2. – 15.3.) Sibling Rivalry (50 x 33.5 cm), “Art of Emergency”, Artneuland, Berlin (D) artneuland.com/project… |
2009 | (19.3. – 24.5) Photo series with article: Theme Park Reconstructed as PDF computer presentation (in German with all images) with Photos Theme Park Nos. 39 & 51, opening 18.30, 19th March for Dr. Jürgen Rostock’s lecture at 19 hours in the exhibition “Freizeit im Faschismus” (Free time under Fascism) exhibition, EL-DE-Haus, the National Socialist Documentation Centre, Cologne (D) www.museenkoeln.de/ns%… |
2009 | (27.6) Fading into the Foreground no. 1: Young black man, King George Street, Jerusalem (IL), 30.8. – 5.9.2006 (42 x 30 cm), kjubh-kunstverein e.V. (kjubh Art Centre) TomBola 17 hours, preview: 24./25./26.06.2009, 18 ‑20 hours, Cologne (D) |
2010 | (10.7) semi detached – half dimensional poems, record cover design by Ury (1989−2010), group exhibition: kjubh KUNSTVEREIN (Art Centre), ZEHN JAHRE (10 years), with music by popnoname, 7 pm, in the cabinet of the Kölnischer Kunstverein (Cologne Art Centre) Hahnen Strasse 6 (D) |
2010 | (21.12 – 12.6.2011) Poker Poems presented in an online exhibition, “The Weight of the Words”, curated by Pedro Torres (ES) www.stuffinablank.com/… |
2011 | (18.3. – 26.6) Installation of the Video-Performance Fury, group exhibition “Kunst und Gedenken. Kölner Künstler/innen mit Arbeiten zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalsozialismus” (Art and Remembering. Cologne Artists with Art concerning National Socialism), opening: 17th March, EL-DE-Haus, National Socialist Documentation Centre, Cologne (D) www.museenkoeln.de/hom… |
2011 | (24.2) Tanya Ury presents half dimensional poems as power point presentation and live performance, 7 pm, as part of the Jewish Cultural Days, at the Great Art Exhibition North Rhine Westphalia, in the Donnerhall, at the Kunst Palast, Kulturzentrum in Düsseldorf (D) |
2013 | (9−20.4) The photographs Alibijude & Stacheldrahtmann (1 & 2) are presented in small printed form, in “Postkarte und Jenseits” (Postcards and Beyond) by the Project for Contemporary Aesthetics, curators Mirjam Kroker & Juan Toro, at the Instituto Departamental de Bellas Artes, Cali, Colombia (CO) |
2014 | (05.07 – 12.10.2014) Opening 7pm 4th July, Tanya Ury presents Artistic Freedom, 9 photos in “Lost in Interiors – Photographic Positions on Political Imprisonment” a group exhibition, to the “25 Jahre Mauerfall” programme (25 Years After the Fall of the Wall), in Berlin, about Hohenschönhausen, the former Stasi prison, at Projektraum – PhotoWerkBerlin, c/o Kommunale Galerie Berlin, Hohenzollerndamm 176, 10713 Berlin (D). At the opening (8pm) Kasander Nilist will accompany Tanya Ury’s poetry, improvisation on the historical theme, in English and German, with free improvised music on double bass. |
2015 | (18.1−15.2) Tanya Ury presents Artistic Freedom, 9 photos and ca six-hour long video loop with text as audio performance and visual concrete poetry. A performance by Tanya Ury (text) and Kasander Nilist (double bass) – improvised poetry and improvised music on the group exhibition theme “The Stranger in Me”, curated by René de Rooze, with an opening talk by art historian David Stroband of the Art Academy Minerva Groningen, takes place 3 pm at SMAHK gallery, Assen (NL) |
2015 | (22.3−1.11) 6 of 19 coats from Tanya Ury’s Hair Shirt Army is presented in Daniel Spoerri’s group exhibition “Lieben und Haben – Liebhaben, Sammeln und Sammler“ (Loving and Having – Cherishing, Collecting and Collectors). Spoerri’s 85th birthday exhibition is in the Spoerri Exhibition House, Hadersdorf am Kamp (A). The opening is Saturday 21st March 2015, at 4 pm www.spoerri.at/aktuell… |
2015 | (19.4. – 1.11.) Tanya Ury presents Имя говорит само за себя, nomen est omen — all in a name 1 & 2, 2014 in Frauen in Krieg und Frieden – Women during War and Peace, Frauenmuseum (Women’s Museum) Bonn (D) |
2016 | (16−19.9) Tanya Ury presents georgy girl, no 5 of the 3rd cunt prints’ series (24 x 32 cm gouache body prints on watercolour paper), in “A Rose is a Rose”, the fundraising group exhibition supporting women patients suffering from Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), who are being treated at the Waldfriede Hospital, Berlin. The event takes place during Berlin Art Week, at Waldfriede Hospital’s Desert Flower Centre, Berlin (D) www.AroseisArose.de |
2016 | (23. – 25.9) Tanya Ury presents Artistic Freedom, 5 of a series of 9 (nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9), projected photos in “Menschenräume” (Human Spaces – opening on Friday 23rd September from 7 pm), curated by 68elf, at the “Odonien” art space, Hornstrasse 85, D‑50825 Cologne, as part of the “International Photoscene Cologne 2016” (D) issuu.com/norgoe/docs/… |
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