Group Exhibitions

1992 – 93 False Premises, Moving Message, British Telecom New Contem­po­raries on tour, curated by Guy Brett, Derek Jarman & Marina Warner: Orion in Newlyn, Corner­house in Manchester, Angel Row in Nottingham, Orpheus in Belfast (IRL) ICA in London (GB)
1993 Kölnisch Wasser live video/​performance, Break the Silence — A Video Diary, 120 Tage Einsamkeit (120 Days of Soli­tude), Galerie 68Elf Cologne (D)
1993 Seduc­tion 2, False Premises & lecture, Women in Art Prac­tice confer­ence, Exeter (GB)
1995 Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Coin­ci­dence, Ignis Euro­pean Cultural Centre, Cologne (D)
1996 Play it By Ear, Castle of Imag­i­na­tion, Bytow (PL)
1996 Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Whitechapel Gallery, London (GB)
1996 Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Trip­tych for a Jewish Princess Second Gener­a­tion, Mensch 2000, Hochbunker Cologne-Ehren­feld (D)
1997 Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Hotels, (with Doris Frohnapfel), SCHULZ Cologne (D)
1998 Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Trip­tych for a Jewish Princess Second Gener­a­tion, Play it By Ear, Not Black and White (with Doris Frohnapfel), Foto­ga­lerie Brot­fabrik, Berlin (D)
1998 Blue Danaé I, outfit authen­tiz­ität und maskerade (outfit authen­ticity and masquerade), Inter­na­tional Photo­szene, Kunsthaus, Rhenania, Cologne (D)
1998 Blue Danaé I & 2, Trip­tych for a Jewish Princess Second Gener­a­tion, Davka, Jüdis­ches Leben in Berlin – Tradi­tionen und Visionen, (Jewish Life in Berlin — Tradi­tions and Visions), Centrum Judaicum (D)
1999 Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Crosslinks (Videothek), Berliner Marstall (D)
1999 Golden Showers, Die Gehängten/​Hung Up, Menschen Wie Du Und Ich — 4 artists in response to the exhi­bi­tion: Vernich­tungskrieg Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941 bis 1944 (Crimes of the German Army 1941 – 44), Cologne City Museum (D)
1999 Die Gehängten/​Hung Up, Davka, Kultur­brauerei Prenslauer­berg, Berlin (D)
1999 Die Gehängten/​Hung Up, The Jewish Central-Labyrinth, Berlin (D)
2000 Ô d’Oriane, Women Look (with Anna Halm-Schudel), In Focus Galerie, Cologne (D)
2000 Dual(national)ity, Die Gehängten/​Hung up, Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Heimat Kunst (Home­land Art), House of World Cultures, Berlin (D)
2000 Hotel Chelsea — Köln and 2 video stills (photos) Gegen den Strich, Museum Ludwig, Cologne (D)
2000 Jack the Ladder, Dual(national)ity, Stech­mücke (work in progress as reading), Aesthetik 1,2,3, 68Elf Galerie Photo­scene Cologne (D)
2001 wrestle­with­y­ourangel & neonazi, Termini Tech­nici, Trini­tatis Church Cologne (D)
2001 Between the Lines or the Three Rs, Rolf Steiner’s The Wide World’ (edition 30): Rupert Walser, Art Cologne (D)
2001 Between the Lines or the Three Rs, Rolf Steiner’s The Wide World’ (edition 30): (with reading 4 pm on December 7th) House of Liter­a­ture Cologne (D)
2001 Between the Lines or the Three Rs, Rolf Steiner’s The Wide World’ (edition 30): Claus Bittner Book­shop Cologne (D)
2002 Between the Lines or the Three Rs, Rolf Steiner’s The Wide World’ (edition 30): Studio Dumont, Cologne (D)
2002 Hermes Insensed, & screening of Hotel Chelsea – Köln, Ambiva­lence, Women’s Museum Bonn (D)
2002 Hermes Insensed, & screening of Hotel Chelsea – Köln,Ambivalence, Galerie Münster­land Emsdetten (D)
2002 Hotel Chelsea — Köln photo series, Kultur Köln 30 Cologne Ehren­feld (D)
2002 Dual(national)ity, Tran­scending the Ladder (reading 16th Oct), Europe Beyond Borders, City of Women, Mednar­odni Graficini Likovni Center, Ljubl­jana (SL)
2002-03 Hotel Chelsea — Köln video still, Annual Exhi­bi­tion, Köln Kultur 30 (D)
2003 beach­comber, Images against War, Galerie Licht­blick Cologne (D)
2003-04 lesser is me more or less, Jack the Ladder, The Right of the Image, Jewish Perspec­tives in Modern Art, Museum Bochum (D)
2004 Ô d’Oriane, Kölnisch Wasser (split screen projec­tion), Lies, Lust, Art & Fashion — Signale der Klei­dung (Clothing Signals), Podewil, Berlin (D)
2004 Between the Lines or the Three Rs, Rolf Steiner’s Die weite Welt” (The Wide World), Museum Ludwig Cologne (D)
2004 beach­comber Images Against War, Art School, Hasselt (B)
2004 Who’s Boss: Hair Shirt, Dress­codes, Kunstverein Neuhausen (D)
2005 Who’s Boss: Fashion Victim, Hair Shirt, Art Prize, Röslein Sprach…, Your Rules, Boss Rune (& Boss Rune T‑shirts), Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (”Always glad to be of service…”), ifa Galerie, Berlin (D)
2005 (28.1.-end April) Boss Rune T‑shirts, Schöne Grüße (Best Wishes), Propeller, Friedrichshain, Berlin (D)
2005 (26.3. – 23.4 Opening 24th March 7 pm) Poker Poems & Röslein sprach…, slide reading 20th April 150 m³ Largus, Ausstel­lungs- und Projek­traum (exhi­bi­tion and project room) Mozart­strasse 9, Cologne (D)
2005 (28.5 – 3.7.) Who’s Boss, Prora Docu­men­ta­tion Centre, Rügen (D)
2005 (18.9. – 2.10.) Dual(national)ity dibond photos, Contact — Context, Künstler­forum Bonn (D)
2005 (9.11. – 6.1.2006) Who’s Boss, Stets gern für Sie beschäftigt…” (”Always glad to be of service…”), Kunstverein Rosen­heim (Art Centre), (D)
2005 (218.12) DVD Version, Traum und Trauma - Zur Idee des Staates Israel in Film und Video, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin ((Dream and Trauma - On the Idea of the State of Israel in Film and Video, House of World cultures, Berlin(D)
2006 (25.3.) Trav­el­cook­book, slide reading of short stories with menu, Stick Insect, Getta Life, Recipe for Love, Mid Summer, Propeller, Friedrichshain, Berlin (D)
2006 (6.5. – 18.6.) Promised Land, Jahre­sausstel­lung (Yearly exhi­bi­tion), Kunstverein Rosen­heim (D)
2006 (29.8. – 31.8) Promised Land DVD projec­tion with discus­sion, Jerusalem Cine­math­eque evening of 29.8, Promised Land DVD projec­tion & Theme Park computer-based projec­tion in exhi­bi­tion, Who’s Boss and Theme Park Recon­structed as seminar presen­ta­tions, c.sides festival, Inter­na­tional Conven­tion Center, Jerusalem. (IL)
2006 (2.9.-end September) Group exhi­bi­tion, Who’s Boss: Soul Brother Shaheen, Connec­tion, Propeller, Berlin (D)
2006 (9.913.10) Pictures and state­ments from Fading into the Fore­ground, group exhi­bi­tion: Emer­gency Room, curator Thierry Geof­froy Colonel, Galerie Olaf Stüber, Berlin (D)
2006 (6.10. – 27.10) Promised Land: 3 photographs: Beelze­bu­larin and 2 digi­tally hand­written texts in English and German, Virtual Resi­dency, Galeria Biala, Centrum Kultury, Lublin (PL)
2007 (10.3.) Promised Land: Beelze­bu­larin awarded a commen­da­tion in the Inter­na­tional Jewish Artists of the Year Awards, Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art (GB)
2007 (11.3. – 9.4.) 4 double portraits: lesser is me more or less, or else, Du bist Einstein, doo bee doo and the video Promised Land, Connected, Jewish Cultural Days, Altes Museum im BIS-Zentrum (Old Museum in the BIS Centre), Moenchenglad­bach www​.connected​-mg​.de (D)
2007 (15. – 18.6) Photos Nos. 39 & 51 Theme Park, Urban Life, The Forest Café, A weekend of photog­raphy, film and perfor­mance poetry Edin­burgh (GB) www​.stim​u​lus​re​spond​.co…
2007 (15.7. – 26.8.) 2 double portraits: or else, Du bist Einstein, Kunstverein Rosen­heim Jahre­sausstel­lung (yearly exhi­bi­tion of the Rosen­heim Art Centre), opening 14th July, Städtische Galerie (City Gallery), Rosen­heim (D)
2007 (1. – 2.9.) False Premises DVD with German subti­tles, Artemiade, Kunst in der Sied­lung am Kalscheurer Weg (art in the Kalscheurer Way housing estate), Cologne (D) artemiade​.de/​?​p​a​ge_id=…
2007 (27.9. – 3.10) Tanya Ury’s new work in the collab­o­ra­tive context with Laurel Jay Carpenter during the Avant-Garde Dating” week at Art Forum, The New Life Shop Art Gallery, Choriner Strasse 85, Berlin (D) www​.wooloo​.org/​a​v​antga…
2007 (6.1116.12) Opening 5th November, ending 16th December, Promised Land DVD projec­tion & Theme Park, computer-based projec­tion, exhi­bi­tion Dias­pora and Trou­bles curated by Tanya Ury. Perfor­mance Red Hot Pokers (Tanya Ury and Kristof Szabo) 3 pm, 16th December, Kunst­bunker Tumulka, Munich (D)
2007 (30.11. – 11.1.2008) Included in the exhi­bi­tion In Pursuit: Art on Dating” at the ISE Cultural Foun­da­tion Gallery, New York (USA) is a computer repre­sen­ta­tion with all video trailers from the week’s resi­dency in the New Life Shop Art Gallery, Berlin (D)
2008 (15.2 – 30.3.) Video projec­tion instal­la­tion Trains” with music by Till Rohmann & 6 photos from the series (work in progress) Fading into the Fore­ground (3042 cm), Poli­tics”, opening 8 pm, Künstler­haus Dort­mund (D) www.kuenstlerhaus-dort…
2008 (24. – 26.4) 6 photos (1318 cm) from the series XX, Kommen Sie Nach Hause 9 (Come Home 9), Kunst und Design Gere­on­swall 27a, Cologne www.kommensienachhause… (D)
2008 (25.4. – 15.5) Who’s Boss: Boss Rune (T‑shirts) & Röslein Sprach… (DVD), Open Space at the World-Ex-Posi­tion 08, Zentrum für Kunst­pro­jekte Vienna www​.open​space​-zkp​.org/… www​.meta​mute​.org/​en/no… (AT)
2009 (5.2. – 15.3.) Sibling Rivalry (5033.5 cm), Art of Emer­gency”, Artneu­land, Berlin (D) artneu​land​.com/​p​r​oject…
2009 (19.3. – 24.5) Photo series with article: Theme Park Recon­structed as PDF computer presen­ta­tion (in German with all images) with Photos Theme Park Nos. 39 & 51, opening 18.30, 19th March for Dr. Jürgen Rostock’s lecture at 19 hours in the exhi­bi­tion Freizeit im Faschismus” (Free time under Fascism) exhi­bi­tion, EL-DE-Haus, the National Socialist Docu­men­ta­tion Centre, Cologne (D) www​.museenkoeln​.de/ns%…
2009 (27.6) Fading into the Fore­ground no. 1: Young black man, King George Street, Jerusalem (IL), 30.8. – 5.9.2006 (4230 cm), kjubh-kunstverein e.V. (kjubh Art Centre) TomBola 17 hours, preview: 24./25./26.06.2009, 1820 hours, Cologne (D)
2010 (10.7) semi detached – half dimen­sional poems, record cover design by Ury (19892010), group exhi­bi­tion: kjubh KUNSTVEREIN (Art Centre), ZEHN JAHRE (10 years), with music by popnoname, 7 pm, in the cabinet of the Kölnis­cher Kunstverein (Cologne Art Centre) Hahnen Strasse 6 (D)
2010 (21.1212.6.2011) Poker Poems presented in an online exhi­bi­tion, The Weight of the Words”, curated by Pedro Torres (ES) www​.stuf​fin​ablank​.com/…
2011 (18.3. – 26.6) Instal­la­tion of the Video-Perfor­mance Fury, group exhi­bi­tion Kunst und Gedenken. Kölner Künstler/​innen mit Arbeiten zur Auseinan­der­set­zung mit dem Nation­al­sozial­ismus” (Art and Remem­bering. Cologne Artists with Art concerning National Socialism), opening: 17th March, EL-DE-Haus, National Socialist Docu­men­ta­tion Centre, Cologne (D) www​.museenkoeln​.de/hom…
2011 (24.2) Tanya Ury presents half dimen­sional poems as power point presen­ta­tion and live perfor­mance, 7 pm, as part of the Jewish Cultural Days, at the Great Art Exhi­bi­tion North Rhine West­phalia, in the Donner­hall, at the Kunst Palast, Kulturzen­trum in Düssel­dorf (D)
2013 (920.4) The photographs Alibi­jude & Stachel­draht­mann (1 & 2) are presented in small printed form, in Postkarte und Jenseits” (Post­cards and Beyond) by the Project for Contem­po­rary Aesthetics, cura­tors Mirjam Kroker & Juan Toro, at the Insti­tuto Depar­ta­mental de Bellas Artes, Cali, Colombia (CO)
2014 (05.07 – 12.10.2014) Opening 7pm 4th July, Tanya Ury presents Artistic Freedom, 9 photos in Lost in Inte­riors – Photo­graphic Posi­tions on Polit­ical Impris­on­ment” a group exhi­bi­tion, to the 25 Jahre Mauer­fall” programme (25 Years After the Fall of the Wall), in Berlin, about Hohen­schön­hausen, the former Stasi prison, at Projek­traum – PhotoW­erk­Berlin, c/​o Kommu­nale Galerie Berlin, Hohen­zollern­damm 176, 10713 Berlin (D). At the opening (8pm) Kasander Nilist will accom­pany Tanya Ury’s poetry, impro­vi­sa­tion on the histor­ical theme, in English and German, with free impro­vised music on double bass.
2015 (18.115.2) Tanya Ury presents Artistic Freedom, 9 photos and ca six-hour long video loop with text as audio perfor­mance and visual concrete poetry. A perfor­mance by Tanya Ury (text) and Kasander Nilist (double bass) – impro­vised poetry and impro­vised music on the group exhi­bi­tion theme The Stranger in Me”, curated by René de Rooze, with an opening talk by art histo­rian David Stroband of the Art Academy Minerva Groningen, takes place 3 pm at SMAHK gallery, Assen (NL)
2015 (22.31.11) 6 of 19 coats from Tanya Ury’s Hair Shirt Army is presented in Daniel Spoerri’s group exhi­bi­tion Lieben und Haben – Lieb­haben, Sammeln und Sammler“ (Loving and Having – Cher­ishing, Collecting and Collec­tors). Spoerri’s 85th birthday exhi­bi­tion is in the Spoerri Exhi­bi­tion House, Hader­s­dorf am Kamp (A). The opening is Saturday 21st March 2015, at 4 pm www​.spoerri​.at/​a​k​tuell…
2015 (19.4. – 1.11.) Tanya Ury presents Имя говорит само за себя, nomen est omen — all in a name 1 & 2, 2014 in Frauen in Krieg und Frieden – Women during War and Peace, Frauen­mu­seum (Women’s Museum) Bonn (D)
2016 (1619.9) Tanya Ury presents georgy girl, no 5 of the 3rd cunt prints’ series (2432 cm gouache body prints on water­colour paper), in A Rose is a Rose”, the fundraising group exhi­bi­tion supporting women patients suffering from Female Genital Muti­la­tion (FGM), who are being treated at the Wald­friede Hospital, Berlin. The event takes place during Berlin Art Week, at Wald­friede Hospital’s Desert Flower Centre, Berlin (D) www​.Aroseis​Arose​.de
2016 (23. – 25.9) Tanya Ury presents Artistic Freedom, 5 of a series of 9 (nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 9), projected photos in Menschen­räume” (Human Spaces – opening on Friday 23rd September from 7 pm), curated by 68elf, at the Odonien” art space, Horn­strasse 85, D‑50825 Cologne, as part of the Inter­na­tional Photo­scene Cologne 2016” (D) issuu​.com/​n​o​r​g​o​e​/​docs/…

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