1988 | Lilith, Song of Songs, Passion Play, Exeter Art Centre (GB) |
1988 | Lilith, BP EXPO, London (GB) |
1988 | Passion Play, AVE Festival, Arnhem (NL) |
1989 | Incommunicado, AVE, Arnem (NL) |
1989 | Incommunicado, Reading University Gallery (GB) |
1990 | Passion Play, AVE, Arnem (NL) |
1990 | Break the Silence — a Video Diary, Vital States — Subtle Histories, Reading Festival (GB) |
1990 | Lilith, London Film Festival (London Film Makers Co-op) (GB) |
1990 | Lilith, VIP FILM 8 Berlin (D) |
1990 | Incommunicado, Feminale Women’s Film Festival, Cologne (D) |
1990 | Song of Songs, Women in Profile, Glasgow (GB) |
1990 | Incommunicado, Jewish Students’ Art’s Festival (GB) |
1991 | Break the Silence — a Video Diary, AVE, Arnem (NL) |
1991 | Break the Silence — a Video Diary, AVE Nijmegen (NL) |
1991 | Break the Silence — a Video Diary, Festival de Films et Vidéos de Femmes Montréal (Festival of Women’s Films and Video Montréal) (CAN) |
1991 | The Riddle, Nexus, Hull Events Week (GB) |
1991 | Secret Spaces, South Hill Park Dance Festival Berkshire (GB) |
1991 | Control, Art Centre Reading, Reading Dance Festival (GB) |
1991 | The Riddle, Sheffield Media Show (GB) |
1991 – 92 | Play in Camera, False Premises, Break the Silence — a Video Diary, Incommunicado, Song of Songs, Passion Play, Lilith, screenings during fellowship residency, Sheffield Hallam University (GB) |
1992 | False Premises, Feminale Women’s Film Festival, Cologne (D) |
1992 | Introduction to “Ulrike Ottinger & New German Cinema“, (in the series) “German Voices“, Chapter Art Gallery, Cardiff, Wales (GB) |
1993 | Kölnisch Wasser (live video/performance), Sheffield Media Show (GB) |
1993 | Kölnisch Wasser (live video/performance), Don’t Call Me Erotic, London Film Makers Co-op (GB) |
1993 | Kölnisch Wasser (live video/performance), National Review of Live Art Selection, Green Room Manchester (GB) |
1993 | Jewish & Body Politics (slide reading and workshop), Fine Art Department, Cardiff Institute, Wales (GB) |
1994 | Kölnisch Wasser (live video/performance), Don’t call me Erotic, Feminale Women’s Film Festival opening programme, & programmed debate (D) |
1994 | False Premises, Grey Suit Magazine, (spring) no.5 (GB) ftvdb.bfi.org.uk/sift/… |
1994 | Kölnisch Wasser (live video/performance), Don’t Call Me Erotic, Blacks of Soho, London (GB) |
1995 | Solo slide reading Jewish & Body Politics, Kölnisch Wasser (documentation), Institute of Theatre, Film and Television Studies, University of Cologne (D) |
1995 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Krakow Meetings (PL) |
1995 | Slide reading Jewish & Body Politics, screening Kölnisch Wasser (documentation), False Premises and workshop, Fine Art Department, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver (CAN) |
1996 | False Premises, Super 8 Site Elevator Web Dundee (GB) |
1996 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Edinburgh Fringe Film & Video Festival (GB) |
1996 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, VIVA 8 Festival (awarded ‘Best Confrontational Video’), London (GB) |
1997 | Hotel Chelsea – Köln with workshop, Grenzenlos und Unverschämt (Without Limits and Outrageous), Alte Feuerwache, Cologne (D) |
1997 | Clash of Symbols (lecture), Wi(e)der-sprache — Marginale Brüche, Migrantinnen, Schwarze Frauen, Jüdische Frauen im Kulturellen Diskurs Deutschland (Talking Back — Marginal Cracks, Migrant Women, Black and Jewish Women in Cultural Discourse) conference, Cologne (D) Alte Feuerwache (Old Fire Station), Cologne (D) |
1997 | Reading Jacob’s Ladder a Cybersexual Parable, Qualikation, Dichter an den Start Underground, Cologne (D) |
1997 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Hito Steyerl’s class, Vienna Art Academy (A) |
1997 | Play it By Ear (reading), The Cunst, Ifficial Art, Cologne (D) |
1997 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Queer Discord, Lux Cinema, London (GB) |
2000 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, The Body — Between Condition and Construction, International Women’s University Hannover (D) |
2000 | Taking on the Mantle (slide reading) & workshop, International Women’s University Hannover (D) |
2001 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Stuttgart Film Winter, Film House, Stuttgart (D) |
2002 | Hotel Chelsea — Köln, Galerie Januar (videoweek) Bochum (D) |
2002 | Hermes Insensed (slide reading), Postcolonial Critique NGBK (New Society of Fine Arts) Berlin (D) |
2002 | Hermes Insensed & Dual(national)ity (slide reading) & workshop, Migration, Arbeit und Geschlecht (Migration, Work and Gender), congress Berlin (D) |
2002 | Die Gehängten (slide reading), Jüdischer Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus (Jewish Resistance against National Socialism), Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Cologne (D) |
2003 | Hermes Insensed (slide reading & workshop), Schatten der Vergangenheit: Erinnerung an den Holocaust als Lähmung oder Chance? (Shadows of the Past: Memories of the Holocaust: Inhibition or Opportunity?), House of History, Bonn (D) |
2003 | Dual(national)ity, Transcending the Ladder (slide reading), Power and Responsibility, Bet Debora conference Berlin (D) |
2003 | Transcending the Ladder (slide reading) & Red Hot Pokers (live performance with Marina Grzinic), Vienna Art Academy (A) |
2003 | Trailers Red Hot Pokers & Kölnisch Wasser (split screen), guest speaker, 6th Biennial of Media and Architecture, Art House Graz (A) |
2004 | Dual(national)ity Sarah-Hagar: Religion, Politics, Gender. Inter-religious/cultural Project Berlin (D) |
2004 | Kölnisch Wasser, Re-inscribing the Wound (lecture — work in progress) & workshop, Wounds Scars Tattoos, Art Academy Braunschweig (D) |
2004 | (16.12.) Presentation of Who’s Boss project, Heil Dich doch selbst! Die “Flick Collection” wird geschlossen; (Heil yourself! The “Flick Collection” closes) Hebbel Theater, Berlin (D) |
2005 | (4.4) Kölnisch Wasser (split screen version) presented in Cathy Gelbin’s PhD. course: Gender and the Shoah, Holocaust Studies, Manchester University (GB) |
2005 | (10.5) Kölnisch Wasser (split screen version), Café Storch, Cologne (D) |
2005 | (23.6) Kölnisch Wasser (split screen version), Take 291, Gallery 291, London (GB) |
2005 | (7−16.10) Hotel Chelsea – Köln, Women Make Waves Festival, Kaohsiung and Taipei and in from October to December in touring film programme of 20 cities in Taiwan (TW) |
2005 | (7.12) Seminar & trailers: Kölnisch Wasser (split screen version), Golden Showers, Röslein Sprach…, Promised Land, Conference: Jüdische Frauen in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Jewish Women in the Past and Present), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Wesseling nr. Bonn (D) |
2006 | (27.2) Peer Critique, trailers: Kölnisch Wassser, Hotel Chelsea Köln, Golden Showers, Red Hot Pokers, Röslein Sprach…, Promised Land, Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum (GB) |
2006 | (6.4) Trailers: Kölnisch Wasser, Hotel Chelsea Köln, Golden Showers, Red Hot Pokers, Röslein Sprach…, Promised Land, presented in Seminar within Cathy Gelbin’s PhD. Conference course: Gender and Visual Arts, Holocaust Studies, Royal Holloway, London (D) |
2006 | (14−18.6) Who’s Boss as archival material, Performing Rights Library a four-day conference and accompanying programme of live events Performance Studies international (PSi) #12: Performing Rights, Queen Mary, University of London (GB) |
2006 | (9. – 19.9) Hotel Chelsea – Köln, Koerperein/satz (Body Action), Stichting Smokkel, in the Museumcafé Staedtischen Museum Abteiberg, at the c/ountryclub Internationales Videokunst-Festival, Moenchengladbach (D) |
2006 | (9. – 13.9) Kölnisch Wasser — Split Screen Version to be screened during the c/ountryclub festival Moenchengladbach (D) |
2007 | (23.3.) On the online Feminist Art Base www.brooklynmuseum.org… Who’s Boss: Art Prize Nr.4, Who’s Boss: Your Rules, lesser is me more or less, Blue Danaé 1, Moving Message, Franco and Elke J., Who’s Boss: Soul Brother: Shaheen, video trailer Hotel Chelsea – Köln, video trailer Kölnisch Wasser, video trailer Röslein Sprach…, audio extract from the video Red Hot Pokers, audio extract from the video Promised Land, The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, The Brooklyn Museum, New York (USA) |
2007 | (4. – 7.4) Who’s Boss power point presentation Saturday, April 7, 8:00 – 9:30 a.m Salon K , Fashion, Appearance and Consumer Identity, Popular Culture Association, Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting, Boston Marriott, Boston (USA) www.popularculture.org… www.wooloo.org/new/s3/… |
2007 | (17.5.) Theme Park Reconstructed, power point presentation, 11am, Limmud festival, Jüdisches Gemeindezentrum (Jewish Community Centre), St.-Jakobs-Platz 18, Munich (D) |
2007 | (8.6) Participation in podium discussion with inter-religious literary concert, to the Protestant Church days, 8 pm Versöhnungskirche (Reconciliation Church), Cologne (D) h |
2007 | (16.6) Screening of False Premises, c.sides studio party, 3 – 10 pm, 20 Koerner Strasse, street festival, Cologne (D) |
2007 | (24.8.) Theme Park Reconstructed, computer-based projection, Seminar 10.35 am, Conference on the Arts in Society, Kassel (21. – 24.8.) (D) A07.cgpublisher.com/pr… a07.cgpublisher.com/pr… |
2007 | (13.10.) Performanceabend “Freitag, der Dreizehnte” Thema Krebs (Performance evening „Friday the thirteenth“ subject cancer), 8 pm, KunstWerk Köln (D) www.a.performancelife.… |
2007 | (27. – 29.10.) Theme Park Reconstructed, computer-based projection, Seminar 27th October, The Past in the Present, History as Practice in Art, Design and Architecture, 4.30−6.30 Bourdon First Floor Lecture Theatre, Glasgow School of Art – Dept. of Historical and Critical Studies, Glasgow (GB) |
2008 | (27.1) Screening with discussion of Promised Land, Anadoma Film/Video-Festival (25. – 27.1), Lot-Theater, Braunschweig www.anadoma.de/ (D) |
2008 | (22.3) Theme Park Reconstructed, computer-based projection seminar, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. Sierra Suite A, Popular Culture Association conference (19. – 22.3), San Francisco www.pcaaca.org/confere… (USA) |
2008 | (16. – 18.5) Who’s Boss power point presentation in German, May, Limmud Festival Werbellinsee, Jugenderholungs- und Begegnungsstätte (Youth Relaxation and Meeting Place) www.limmud.de/2008_en/… (D) |
2008 | (21.6) Kölnisch Wasser screening, from 8pm Saturday, June 21st, “Jewdas” jewdas.org, Unit D, Omega Works, 167 Hermitage Road, Manor House (tube) N4 1LZ, London (GB) |
2009 | 2009 (8.4. – 11.4) Article as lecture: Disregarding the Pain of Others, PCA Conference, New Orleans (USA) |
2009 | (25−27.5) Dual(national)ity, A2 paper prints, MusraraMix Festival 9 “Foreign Works from Germany” in Queen Heleni Street, Jerusalem (IL) www.goethe.de/ins/il/j… |
2009 | (25. – 28.6) Power point performance Touch me Not and power point presentation: Self-portrait of a Self-hating Jew and power, Migration, Communication and Home, Jewish Tradition, Change & Gender in a Global Context, Bet Debora conference, Sofia (BG) |
2009 | (30.4−3.5) 17.30 hours — 1st May, screening of Promised Land (German version) with discussion, Limmud festival, Werbellinsee, Jugenderholungs- und Begegnungsstätte (Youth Relaxation and Meeting Place) (D) |
2009 | (16.8) “Trapped” Cologne authors, priests and politicians on the collapse of the City Archives, 3 pm Basilika St. Severin, Im Ferkulum 29, 50678 Köln: Tanya Ury: The souls of my dead relatives. The Loss of the Ury/Unger family estate. 4.30 pm Severingstorburg, Chlodwigplatz 2, 50677 Köln: Tanya Ury: reading from Alfred H. Unger’s Stories about the Great Nazarene (1926) |
2009 | (24.8) Action: Köln Kann Auch Anders (Cologne can do it better), 6 pm, Tanya Ury reading (20 minutes) in front of the Cologne Town Hall, on the collapse of the City Archives – The Souls of my Dead Relatives. The Loss of the Ury-Unger family archive, Cologne (D) www.koelnkannauchander… insidecologne.de/de/ku… |
2009 | (19.11.) Fury, a delegated performance video (filmed 3.10) on the collapse of the Historical Archives in Cologne for Tanja Ostojic’s project “Misplaced Women”, online at White Box during “Performa”, The Third Biennial of New Visual Art Performance, New York City (1 – 22.11.2009) (USA) Link to long & short version: vimeo.com/7662688 |
2010 | (1) Copies of all Ury’s photographic and video work, catalogues etc. included in the Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek mit Rheinischem Bildarchiv (Art and Museum Library with the Rhine Picture Archive), Cologne (D) |
2010 | (3.3.) Tanya Ury: Presentation of “The Souls of my dead relatives”. The Loss of the Jewish Ury/Unger family estate. – lost in the City Archives. Reading: Gewissen (Conscience), “Rubble and Shame” – A year after the Collapse of the Historical Archives. KÖLN KANN AUCH ANDERS (Cologne can do better), Aura 09 & Kölner Komment (Cologne Comments), 7.30 pm Odeon Cinema, Severin Street 81, Cologne (D) |
2010 | (22.3) Kölnisch Wasser (split screen version) presented on Cathy Gelbin’s MA course: Gender and the Shoah, Holocaust Studies, Manchester University (GB) |
2010 | (6−10.6) DVD incorporating the article by Ury Self-portrait of a Self-hating Jew (short version) and the performance video Touch me Not, presented 4.15 pm on 8th June at Jews/Colour/Race, a multidisciplinary workshop to be held at Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva (IL) cmsprod.bgu.ac.il/NR/r… |
2010 | (18.7. – 3.9.) Fast Food for Thought, fasting action reflecting on Palestinian Firas Maraghy’s hunger strike in front of the Israeli embassy, Berlin (D) |
2011 | (12.3) Tanya Ury presents on a mat appear, improvised poetry from 8 pm in WP8 Düsseldorf (D) |
2011 | (12.3) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry) from 8 pm in WP8 Düsseldorf (D) |
2011 | (9.4.) YES WE CANNED (Gernot Bogumil, Karl Krützmann Achmett Schachbrett), free improvised music, featuring Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 7th Stairway-Concert, 3 – 6 pm, KUNSTRAUM (Art Space) Renée Blume, under the old lighthouse, on the Helios grounds, Venloer Strasse 389 (red, green blue), (Tel: +49 0221 30 24 95 06 or + 49178 66 88 319) Cologne-Ehrenfeld (D) |
2011 | (12.4) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8 – 11 pm Lichtung, Ubierring 13, 50678 Cologne (D) |
2011 | (17.5) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8 – 11 pm Lichtung, Ubierring 13, 50678 Cologne (D) |
2011 | (26.5) Sechzig 32 (Martin Zierold, Gerno Bocumil, Willi Strack, Sebastian Schaffmeister), free improvised music (private session), featuring Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry) and Benedetta Reuter (dance), 8 – 12 pm, Cologne (D) |
2011 | (12.7) Free improvised music, featuring Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry) with Roland Graeter’s free improvised Music Marathon # 193 (voice), 8 – 12 pm Lichtung, Ubierring 13, 50678 Cologne (D) |
2011 | (13.7) Roland Graeter’s free improvised Music Marathon # 194 (cello/voice), featuring Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry) and Uwe Laukeningkat (percussion), 8 pm at Grosse Brinkgasse 16, D‑50672 Cologne (D) musikmarathon2011.blog… |
2011 | (16.8) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8 – 11 pm Lichtung, Ubierring 13, 50678 Cologne (D) |
2011 | (13.9) Free improvised music, featuring Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8 – 11 pm Lichtung, Ubierring 13, 50678 Cologne (D) |
2011 | (8.10)“30 Years PLOP — Independent-Comics and more”, invitation to the exhibition and Roland Graeter’s Musik Marathon concert #281 (cello and voice), free improvised music, featuring Tanya Ury (on a mat appear –2 – 5 pm, a Staircase concert in the Helios Tower, in the KUNSTRAUM , KUNSTRAUM (Art Space) Renee Blume, under the old lighthouse, on the Helios grounds, Venloer Strasse 389), (Tel: +49 0221 30 24 95 06 or + 49178 66 88 319) Cologne-Ehrenfeld (D) www.musikmarathon.com vimeo.com/9573170 www.raum-fuer-kunst.de… |
2011 | (8.10) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry) from 8 pm in WP8, Kölner Strasse 73, 40211 Düsseldorf (D) |
2011 | (11.10) Free improvised music, featuring Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8 – 11 pm Lichtung, Ubierring 13, 50678 Cologne (D) |
2011 | (10.10) Audio Interview in German with Tanya Ury by Marco Hasenkopf (11.7) online at www.babel-koeln.de/70-… within the framework of the literature project “Babel 2 – a literary search for traces of migration in Cologne” (D) |
2011 | (11.10) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8 – 11 pm Lichtung, Ubierring 13, 50678 Cologne (D) |
2011 | (8.11) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8 – 11 pm Lichtung, Ubierring 13, 50678 Cologne (D) |
2011 | (10.12) Lautspalter, free improvised music: Tanya Ury (improvised poetry) with Sebastian Schaffmeister (double bass), Takashi Mitsui (keyboards), Peter Alexius Worringer (guitar) will appear late Saturday night for the “Bunker – Solidarity – Performance – Event” (Friday, the 9th and Saturday, the 10th December), curated by Signlinde Kallnbach, Hochbunker, Körner Strasse, Cologne-Ehrenfeld (D) hochbunkerkoernerstr.w… |
2012 | (10.1) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8 – 11 pm Lichtung, Ubierring 13, 50678 Cologne (D) |
2012 | (14.1) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry) from 8 pm in WP8, Kölner Strasse 73, 40211 Düsseldorf (D) |
2012 | (13.2) Presentation of Tanya Ury’s Video-Performance Fury, “out of the blue- plötzlich wird alles anders”, 6.15 pm, Director’s Lounge, Naherholung Sternchen, Berolinastraße 7, 10178, Berlin (D) laborberlin.wordpress.… berlinlounge.tumblr.co… |
2012 | (7.4) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry) from 8 pm in WP8, Kölner Strasse 73, 40211 Düsseldorf (D) |
2012 | (16.4) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8 – 11 pm Climax, Eifel Strasse 37, 50677 Cologne (D) |
2012 | (21.5) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8 – 11 pm Climax, Eifel Strasse 37, 50677 Cologne (D) |
2012 | (5.7) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 7.30−11.30 pm, Summer Session, Akki e.V., Siegburger Strasse 25 Düsseldorf (D) |
2012 | (13.7) SONGS WITH WORDS, a concert, with toned poems by Tanya Ury (poems in English and German) and Kasander Nilist (double bass and sound mix), 2012, and Improvisation – free improvised music: Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percussion), Peter Alexius Worringer (electric guitar), Featuring Tanya Ury (on a mat appear – lautquälerei, improvised poetry mostly in English with German), 7.30 pm, Kunstraum St. Michael, Brüsseler Platz, Cologne (D) www.artundamen.de/inde… |
2012 | (7) nature or cult presented on the Art & Amen Website, Kunstraum St. Michael, Brüsseler Platz, Cologne (D) www.artundamen.de/inde… |
2012 | (24.7) Tanya Ury presents the article Self-portrait of a Self-hating Jew at the 7th International Conference on the Arts in Society, Art & Design Academy, John Moores University, Liverpool (GB) |
2012 | (2.8) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 7.30−11.30 pm, Summer Session, Akki e.V., Siegburger Strasse 25, Düsseldorf (D) |
2012 | (6.9) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 7.30−11.30 pm, Summer Session, Akki e.V., Siegburger Strasse 25, Düsseldorf (D) |
2012 | (14 & 15.9) Free improvised music: Kasander Nilist (double bass) & Tanya Ury (on a mat appear – lautquälerei, improvised poetry mostly in English with German), 5th Robodonien Festival, Odonien, Horn Stasse 85, 50823, Cologne (D) robodonien.de/ |
2012 | (16.9) SONGS WITH WORDS, a concert with free improvised music: Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percussion), Peter Alexius Worringer (electric guitar), featuring Tanya Ury (on a mat appear – lautquälerei, improvised poetry mostly in English with German), 5th Robodonien Festival, Odonien, Horn Stasse 85, 50823, Cologne (D) robodonien.de/ |
2012 | (16.9) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8−11.30 pm, Café im Bürgerhaus MüTZe, Berliner Straße 77, 51063, Köln-Mülheim (D) |
2012 | (13. – 14.10) The live concert “CrissCross/Anamnesis #10“ by the composer and experimental live-musician Jules Desgoutte, includes recorded passages from Tanya Ury’s poetry series weißer neger (white nigger) and passages from Krýstóf Szabó’s DER VERREIFTE GARTEN BAUCH LIEBSTER ATEM (The Decaying Garden Belly Beloved Breath), Sat., 13. October 8 pm & Sun., 14. Oktober 6 pm, Barnes Crossing in Der Wachsfabrik, Cologne (D) |
2012 | (8.11) Free improvised and composed music: Kasander Nilist (double bass), featuring Tanya Ury, improvised poetry mostly in English with German, including Word-fore-play — Recipe for Love and toned poem: Lolita, will appear as special guests at the Poetry Slam, at the Heldenbar, in the Schauspiel Theatre, Theaterplatz 11, Essen, 20.30 pm, (D) |
2012 | (8.12) Tanya Ury presents on a mat appear- Lautquälerei, improvised poetry from 8 pm in WP8 Düsseldorf (D) |
2012 | (13.12) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8−11.30 pm, Café im Bürgerhaus MüTZe, Berliner Straße 77, 51063, Köln-Mülheim (D) |
2013 | (12.1) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), winter session, from 8 pm in WP8, Kölner Strasse 73, 40211 Düsseldorf (D) |
2013 | (15. & 16.2) Tanya Ury presents weißer neger (white nigger), a live performance combined with video presentation, from 5:30 – 7:00 PM on 15th February at the East Ballroom Foyer, 3rd Floor, New York, Hilton and Self-portrait of a Self-hating Jew, a keynote presentation, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM on 16th February for the panel “From Lesser to Tanya Ury: German-Jewish Artists, 1890 — 2010”, 2013 College Art Association Annual Meeting, New York Hilton (USA) |
2013 | (9.3) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury, improvised poetry, winter session, from 8 pm in WP8, Kölner Strasse 73, 40211 Düsseldorf (D) |
2013 | (23.3) SUSPENDED BELIEFS, a concert with free improvised music: Peter Alexius (electric guitar), Gernot Bogumil (Trompete), Kasander Nilist (double bass and sound mix), Hans Salz (percussion), featuring Tanya Ury, improvised poetry mostly in English with German, Spring Festival, 7 pm, Lutherkirche, Martin-Luther-Platz 4, 50677, Cologne (D) |
2013 | (3.4) “Liquid”, a house-concert of free improvised music: Kasander Nilist, double bass accompanying Tanya Ury & improvised poetry mostly in English with German; with Suzanne Bradbury, piano, Louis Ryan poetry, Paul Archer poetry and singer Fiona Stuart Wilson, Cami de Ses Fontanelles 6, Soller, Mallorca (ES) |
2013 | (11.4) Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), winter session, from 8 pm in WP8, Kölner Strasse 73, 40211 Düsseldorf (D) |
2013 | (5.9) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 7.30−11.30 pm, Summer Session, Akki e.V., Siegburger Strasse 25 Düsseldorf (D) |
2013 | (12.9) Free improvised music, with Tanya Ury (on a mat appear — Lautquälerei, improvised poetry), 8−11.30 pm, Café im Bürgerhaus MüTZe, Berliner Straße 77, 51063, Köln-Mülheim (D) |
2013 | (6. – 8.10) Participation in the cross-cultural/cross-disciplinary/cross-generational performance workshop led by the radical and critical performance group La Pocha Nostra (Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Dani d’Emilia, Erica Mott) Sunday, October 6th (Kreatorij DIC), Monday, October 7th and Tuesday, October 8th at the Old Factory Station – Elektro Ljubljana, at the City of Women festival (SL) |
2013 | (31.10) Samhain – house concert with Kasander Nilist (double bass), free improvised music, readings and poetry, Grosse Brinkgasse 16, Cologne (D) |
2013 | (29.12) dark room, DVD: sound installation on the Sound Museum of Silence website: 20decibel.blogspot.it/… soundcloud.com/below20… www.facebook.com/pages… |
2014 | (9. – 11.7.) slip stream, short version of Ury’s article as skype presentation, on the Arts, Creativity and Social Innovation panel, 2.30−4 pm, 11th July, at “keep it simple, make it fast conference”, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto, Casa da Musica (Faculty of the Arts, University of Porto, House of Music), Porto, Portugal (PT) |
2014 | (12.9.) For the opening of “Where have all the Flowers gone – 1914−2014”, a group exhibition to 100 years after the beginning of the First World War, Kunsthaus (Art Centre) Troisdorf (D) (12.9.2014 – 17.10.2014) at 8pm, Kasander Nilist will accompany Tanya Ury’s poetry, improvisation on the historical theme, in English and German, with free improvised music on double bass. www.kunsthaus-troisdor… |
2014 | (8.11) Performance by Tanya Ury (voice/text) & Kasander Nilist (double bass), Artclub, Melchior Strasse 14, 50670 Cologne (D), 8 pm on Saturday 8th November. The performance is at the front in the display window, in the context of the permanent exhibition and the opening of three new solo exhibitions in the project rooms: Jeannette Kreiser, Werner Kramer und Katja Rohsmanith. |
2014 | (2.12.) A video documentation of the performance concert archive burn out, on 10th April in the Nazi Documentation Centre, Cologne, with “Suspended Beliefs”, improvised poetry with improvised music: Tanya Ury (voice), Gernot Bogumil (trumpet), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percussion) can be seen on Vimeo under these links: Documentation: vimeo.com/112831445 Trailer: vimeo.com/112828403 Encore: vimeo.com/112828985 |
2014 | (2.12.) A video documentation of the performance concert “Lost in Interiors“ (25 Years After the Fall of the Wall), 4th July in Berlin, about Hohenschönhausen, the former Stasi prison, at the Kommunale Galerie Berlin (D) — Kasander Nilist with free improvised music on double bass accompanies Tanya Ury’s poetry with improvisation on the historical theme, in English and German — can be seen on Vimeo at this link: — vimeo.com/112798380 |
2015 | (9.1.) Tanya Ury, improvised poetry (in English & German) and improvised music with Nicola Hein (electric guitar), Etienne Nillesen (prepared snare drum), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Galerie Schmidt and Handrup, Cologne (D) |
2015 | (30.1) Tanya Ury, improvised poetry (in English & German) and improvised music with Nicola Hein (electric guitar), Etienne Nillesen (prepared snare drum), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Kunsthaus Troisdorf (D) |
2015 | (27.2. – 1.3.) No. 7 & 9 from the photo series Artistic Freedom, presented on the Büchergilde Gutenberg artclub at the German-Dutch Graphic Arts Fair in Borken (D) |
2015 | (12. – 15.3.) No. 7 & 9 from the photo series Artistic Freedom, presented on the Büchergilde Gutenberg artclub stand, at the Leipzig Book Fair (D) |
2015 | (16 – 19.4.) Tanya Ury presents a short version of slip stream — between poetics and politics – improvisation in Cologne, a paper about the politics of improvised poetry, 11.15 am, 17th April, at the 7th International Bet Debora Conference of European Jewish Women, Activists, Academics and Female Rabbis “Engendering Jewish Politics – Redefining the Role of Women”, High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire (GB) www.bet-debora.net/de/… |
2015 | (29.4) Tanya Ury’s power point presentation Personal Affects – Going into the Archive, featuring extracts from the videos Fury and archive burn out with a discussion, is being held at 17:00 – 18.30 at the invitation by Dr.Dora Osborne’s at Princess Dashkova Centre, 14 Buccleuch Place, University of Edinburgh EH8 9LN, Edinburgh (GB) |
2015 | (21.5) Tanya Ury, improvised poetry (in English & German) and improvised music with Elisabeth Fügemann (cello) and Kasander Nilist (double bass), 8 pm, Galerie Schmidt and Handrup, Moltkestraße 81, 50674 Cologne (D) |
2015 | (3.10) Improvisation concert from 8 pm with “Hechtschmalz“, Andreas Techler (saxophone), Achim Pohl (drums), Kasander Nilist (double bass), followed by the duo Tanya Ury (improvised poetry in English and German on the 25th anniversary of German Unification) and Kasander Nilist (double bass), in Solaris 63 Association, Foundation for Art and Culture, Kopernikusstraße 53, 40225 Düsseldorf (D) |
2016 | (19.5.) A performance of improvised poetry and music (Tanya Ury – texts in German and English – Kasander Nilist on double bass) will take place on 19th May at 7 pm at the closing event of the exhibition “April April” (April Fool) — 6 – 11pm — Petersburger Art Space, Gladbacher Strasse 50, 50672 Cologne (D) petersburger-art.de/ |
2016 | (21.5.) A performance of improvised poetry and music (Tanya Ury – texts in German and English – Kasander Nilist on double bass) will take place at the opening on 21st May at 2pm 4pm and 6 pm. THANK SHOWS ART in the clothing boutique, Marsilstein 2, 50676 Cologne (D) |
2016 | (23.6.) A performance of improvised poetry and music (Tanya Ury – texts in German and English – Kasander Nilist on double bass) will take place on 23rd June at 7 pm, at the end of the exhibition opening of “Spielfrei” (Game-Free) — 6 – 11pm — Weisser Holunder, Petersburger Art Space, Gladbacher Strasse 48 – 50, 50672 Cologne (D) |
2016 | (1.9) Tanya Ury presents Personal Affects – Going into the Archive as power point presentation, Thursday, 1st September, at 17:00 – 18.30 hours, „Kamienica Pod Aniolami” conference room, at “Creating Alternatives for Jewish Women in Europe”, the 8th International Bet Debora Conference of European Jewish Women, Activists, Academics and Rabbis (1−4.9. 2016), held by the Bente Kahan Foundation (Wroclaw), Czulent (Kraków) and Bet Debora (Berlin), at the White Stork Synagogue, Wroclaw, Poland and the Pod Aniolami hotel and conference space, in Wroclaw/Breslau, European Capital of Culture 2016 (PL) |
2016 | (29.10) vapour rising, improvisation concert with the duo Tanya Ury (improvised poetry in English and German) and water sound recordings by Kasander Nilist (double bass), from 8 pm: in Solaris 63 Association, Foundation for Art and Culture, Kopernikusstraße 53, 40225 Düsseldorf (D) www.solaris53.org/inde… |
2017 | (3.7.) Personal statement by Tanya Ury on her Who’s Boss, nomen est omen artworks and Katy Deepwell’s n.paradoxa publication, on its 20th anniversary, at a special conference on Local and Global Dynamics in Contemporary Art at the University of Middlesex, London (GB) |
2017 | (15. – 17.9) Tanya Ury presents a power point presentation of Personal Affects – Going into the Archive (short version of the paper), 15:40 – 16:55 pm, 17th September, room 4, Manchester Museum, at the Tenth International Conference on The Inclusive Museum, University of Manchester (GB) |
2018 | (14 – 16.1.) Tanya Ury presents a video documentation of her performance concert archive burn out, filmed and edited by Freya Hattenberger on 10th April 2014 in the Nazi Documentation Centre, Cologne, with “Suspended Beliefs”: poetry, text and improvised music: Tanya Ury (voice), Gernot Bogumil (trumpet), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percussion), after a power point presentation of Ury’s article Personal Affects – Going into the Archive (short version), 11.20−12.40 pm on 16th January, at The Future of the Archive, Performing the Jewish Archive and Beyond, British Library, London (GB) |
2018 | (11.-12 – 4.) Tanya Ury presents Personal Affects – Going into the Archive (short version), a power point presentation and a short version of the Video-Performance Fury (2009), on 13th April (seminar 10 – 5pm) as keynote speaker at “To Be Archived”, the Living Archives final event, curated by Temi Odumoso and Susan Kozel of Malmö University, at Malmö Konstmuseum, Malmöhusvägen 6, Malmö (SE) livingarchives.mah.se/… |
2018 | (11. – 12.6.) Excerpts from Tanya Ury’s paper Still Under my Skin with extracts from the video-performance Kölnisch Wasser, a split-screen video (33 mins) of 7 filmed, live performances with English subtitles, produced in 2003, presented at “Avbody – Symposium on the Audiovisual Body”, 1 – 3 pm, 11th June, at the University of Huddersfield (GB) urbanresearchtheater.c… |
2018 | (22.6.) c!ang #26, Tanya Ury (improvised and anima 19, written poetry), Maryanne Piper (improvisation on clarinet) and Kasander Nilist (improvisation on double bass), 8 pm, Atelier Swen Buckner (back courtyard), 61 Birkenstrasse, 40233 Düsseldorf (D) |
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