cunt prints — a collection of works

cunt prints – a collec­tion of works:

cunt prints: 2 series of gouache body prints on paper – 30 sheets 2432 cm 

Series 1: 15 prints, gouache colours: medium yellow, leaf green, red orange, blue lake, bril­liant red, on water­colour paper (natural white, acid-free, lightfast)

Series 2: 15 prints, gouache colours: turquoise bluish, crimson, ultra­ma­rine, lilac, burnt sienna

Insur­ance value (30500,00) 15.000 Euros

Framing: maple, glazed white, with spacer strip

The orig­inal cunt prints, series 1 & 2, which were produced on Xmas Eve 2013 are a cele­bra­tion of femi­ninity, at a time in life, when it is appar­ently consid­ered taboo for a woman to flaunt her sexu­ality, to show her colour beyond the menopause.

The inspi­ra­tion came after observing my cunt prints from vaginal fluid and/​or semen on dark shaded bed sheets, some­time during 2011, the year in which I turned 60; and I imag­ined such cunt prints, like finger­prints, an essen­tial part of me, would be impres­sive as a stylised artwork. Like lipstick, lip prints on a servi­ette, collar or, love-letter, these cunt prints are a fleeting sign that one has lived.

Testing the idea out by mentioning it to a couple of male friends in their forties, the reac­tion of exas­per­a­tion from both caused me at first to doubt the cred­i­bility of the project, but it also reas­sured me of the impor­tance of such a femi­nist state­ment. There is a history of body painting and body prints, the most memo­rable being Yves Klein’s blue body prints, of women in the late 50’s early 1960’s.1

Despite the IKB paint­ings being uniformly coloured, Klein exper­i­mented with various methods of applying the paint; firstly different rollers and then later sponges, created a series of varied surfaces. This exper­i­men­talism would lead to a number of works Klein made using naked female models covered in blue paint and dragged across or laid upon canvases to make the image, using the models as living brushes”. This type of work he called Anthro­pom­etry2.3

In her Website blog of 2011, Kirstin Russell, of the Walker Art Centre in Minneapolis (USA) cites Yves Klein’s own attempt to explain his use of the female nude:

Certainly the entire body consists of flesh, but the essen­tial mass is the trunk and thighs. It is there that once finds the true universe hidden by our percep­tions.4

This is the percep­tion of a male artist who, while creating inno­v­a­tive artwork, did not call into ques­tion the objec­ti­fi­ca­tion of a woman by exploiting her for art purposes.

In 1976 (…) Lucy Lippard addressed the contin­uing broad dismissal of woman’s art work: Men can use beau­tiful, sexy women as neutral objects or surfaces, but when women use their own faces and bodies, they are imme­di­ately accused of narcis­sism”.5

With cunt prints a model” creates her own body prints, more­over from between the thighs, where a true universe hidden by our percep­tions” is revealed.

1 This colour, remi­nis­cent of the lapis lazuli used to paint the Madonna’s robes in medieval paint­ings, was to become famous as Inter­na­tional Klein Blue (IKB) en​.wikipedia​.org/​wiki/…

2 For example Anthro­pométrie de l’Époque bleue (226)
March 91960
 Galerie inter­na­tionale d’art contemporain
253, rue Saint Honoré, Paris, France www.yveskleinarchives.… Anthro­pom­etry (Greek anthropos (άνθρωπος — man”) and metron (μέτρον — measure”) there­fore measure­ment of man”) refers to the measure­ment of the human indi­vidual” en​.wikipedia​.org/​wiki/…

3 en​.wikipedia​.org/​wiki/…

4 Walker Art Center — Femi­nism and Yves Klein’s Anthro­pométries, by Kirstin Russell blogs​.walk​erart​.org/vi…

5 Rebecca Schneider, p. 35 The Explicit Body in Perfor­mance”, New York Rout­ledge 1997, quoted in Performing the Jewish Body in Contem­po­rary Germany by Juli­ette Brungs, 2013, (unpub­lished) disser­ta­tion at the Univer­sity of Minnesota (USA)


Solo Exhi­bi­tions

2016 (21.530.6) Tanya Ury’s cunt prints 2013 — presented for the first time are 2 framed series of 30 glowing gouache body prints on paper. THANK SHOWS ART in the clothes boutique, Marsil­stein 2, 50676 Cologne (D)

Festi­vals etc.

2016 (21.5.) A perfor­mance of impro­vised poetry and music (Tanya Ury – texts in German and English – Kasander Nilist on double bass) will take place at the opening on 21st May at 2pm 4pm and 6 pm. THANK SHOWS ART in the clothes boutique, Marsil­stein 2, 50676 Cologne (D)

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