
1984 Etching (29 cm width x 37 cm height, framed: 43 cm width x 51 cm height) in private collec­tion Nini Ury, Vancouver (CA)
1997 2 Photos from Hotel Chelsea — Köln video stills, from the Photo series Edition 21 C Prints 1995 in collector’s port­folio, Mensch 2000, Mari­anne Lindow, Cologne (D)
2000 Ô d’Oriane, no. 9, in private collec­tion, Jörg Pattberg Cologne (D)
2000 Blue Danaé 1, in private collec­tion Dr. Cathy Gelbin (GB)
2000 Video: Hotel Chelsea — Köln and 2 Photos from Hotel Chelsea — Köln video stills, from the photo series edition 21 C Prints 1995 in the Hein­rich Miess Collec­tion, Museum Ludwig, Cologne (D)
2001 Jack the Ladder, small version, in private collec­tion Echo Ho, Cologne (D)
2001 Hermes Insensed, no. 49, no. 51 (vari­a­tion), two photographs, in private collec­tion Kai Scheuer­mann, Cologne (D)
2002 2 Portraits of Peter Zadek, small versions, in private collec­tion, Peter Zadek, Vecoli (I)
2002 Hermes Insensed no.57, small version in private collec­tion Dr. Béatrice Roschansamir, Bonn (D)
2004 Between the Lines, Edition Rolf Steiner’s Die weite Welt” (The Wide World) in the Graphic Collec­tion, Museum Ludwig, Cologne (D)
2004 Jack the Ladder, small version, in private collec­tion Dr. Christoph Kivelitz, Bochum (D)
2004 lesser is me more or less, small version (H32 x B45cm) in private collec­tion Dr. Sybille Gross, Berlin (D)
2006 Who’s Boss: Soul Brother: Shaheen, (51,6328 cm), private collec­tion Claudia Burbaum, Berlin (D)
2007 Who’s Boss: Soul Brother: Shaheen, (51,6328 cm), private collec­tion Rose­marie Plett, Cologne (D)
2008 Sibling Rivalry, 10067 cm. private collec­tion David Ury, London (GB)
2009 Fading into the Fore­ground no.1: Young black man, King George Street, Jerusalem (IL), 2006, c‑print (4230 cm), Karsten Küpper, Cologne (D)
2010 half dimen­sional – semi­de­tached, 2010, private collec­tion, Alan Bangs, Cologne (D)
2010 Archive Fever (4530.5 cm) private collec­tion, Juli­ette Brungs, Minneapolis (USA)
2010 Who’s Boss: Soul Brothers & Sisters (51,6328 cm), private collec­tions: Tanja Ostojic (Berlin), Wayne Yung (Berlin), Amit Epstein (Berlin), Iris Borchardt- Hefets (Berlin), Ruth Novaczek (London), Nick Stewart (London), Cécile Chich (London)
2010 herme 31.5 cm x width 23.5 cm, in private collec­tion Ingrid Strobl, Cologne (D)
2011 Sibling Rivalry, small version 5033.5 cm, private collec­tion Cecilie Sheridan, Deià, Mallorca (ES)
2012 herme 31.5 cm x width 23.5 cm, in private collec­tion Carrie Smith-Prei, Alberta (CA)
2012 Soul Brother Roland Graeter (51,6328 cm), private collec­tion, France
2012 anti gone (31.5 cm x 23.5 cm) in private collec­tion Katja Butt, Cologne (D)
2012 Soul Sister Ruth (51,6328 cm), in private collec­tion Claude Desmarais, Okanagan (CA)
2012 herme (31.5 cm x width 23.5 cm), in private collec­tion Ulrike Ottinger, Berlin (D)
2014 femi­ninity, poster (height 85 cm x width 60 cm) in private collec­tion Reem Akl, Beirut (LB)
2014 mündliche tradi­tion poster (height 85 cm x width 60 cm) in private collec­tion Jürgen Müller, EL-DE-HAUS, Nazi Docu­men­ta­tion Centre Cologne (D)
2014 Hornet’s Nest in private collec­tion Karola Fings, Cologne (D)
2014 femi­ninity, poster (height 85 cm x width 60 cm) in private collec­tion Nini Ury, Vancouver (CA)
2014 v form & caw-calling (combined), (31.5 cm x 23.5 cm) in private collec­tion Nomi Louv, Jerusalem (Il)
2014 diary of a cham­ber­maid, (31.5 cm x 23.5 cm) in private collec­tion Astrid Nettling, Cologne (D)
2014 wind­hound, (31.5 cm x 23.5 cm) in private collec­tion Kasander Nilist, Cologne (D)
2015 silly cone (31.5 cm x 23.5 cm), in private collec­tion Dr. med. Juliane Terpe, Cologne (D)
2015 Blue Danaé 1, 3523.5 cm, glossy digital laser expo­sure in private collec­tion Dr. Elisa Klaphek (GB)
2016 georgy girl no. 2 of the 3rd special edition, 2432 cm, gouache body prints on paper, in private collec­tion of Thanh Minh Nguyen, Cologne (D)
2016 georgy girl no. 5 of the 3rd special edition, 2432 cm, gouache body prints on paper, in private Dodi Reifenberg’s collec­tion, supporting the fundraising group exhi­bi­tion supporting women patients suffering from Female Genital Muti­la­tion at the Desert Flower Centre of Kranken­haus Wald­friede, Berlin (D)
2017 georgy girl special print, gouache body prints on paper, in private collec­tion of Tanja Ostojic, Berlin (D)

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