Beelzebularin photograph (H 1.20 x B 200 cm) Insurance price 1000 Euros Beelzebularin 2 digitally handwritten texts in English and German, each: H 60 x B 100 cm Insurance price 2000 Euros
Beelzebularin is a photographical portrait of Tanya Ury dressed as the biblical Bezalel ben Uri (Bezalel son of Uri), the artist who constructed the holy objects for Moses’ new monotheist God. In a digitally reworked photograph, Bezalel stands in front of a beach and sea view with 2 swans, not of the Red Sea, nor of the Nile, but of Binz, a tourist resort on the Baltic Sea, Germany; in his right hand he holds a golden calf (original: standing bull with head at an angle. Middle East (Syria?) 1000 BC. 2,7cm, 8,91g.), in the other a Swan Vestas English matchbox, representing the Ark of the Covenant, a Pandora’s tinderbox; the matchbox has been altered so that the logo shows not one swan but two that represent the two winged Cherubim facing each other on the Ark of the Covenant.
Although the taboo of the graven image had just been initiated, in the 2 digitally handwritten texts of Bezalel’s story in English and German, Bezalel carves winged angels on the lid of the Ark of the Covenant.
Bezalel means: in the shadow of God (Vayaqhel 214a). The title Beelzebularin, an anagram of the words “Bezalel ben Uri” suggests the word “Beelzebub”, a god of the Philistines (2 Kings 1:2), literally: “lord of flies”, from the Hebrew “ba’al zebub”.
Tanya Ury
Promised Land
Concept, text, performance and voice over: Tanya Ury
Text editor: Amin Farzanefar
German translation Gelobtes Land: Tanya Ury and Amin Farzanefar
Camera: David Janecek
Digital processing: Claudia Stasch
DVD edit: Rainer Nelissen
DVD image correction Pixel2motion — crossmediadesign
Moses and Monotheism, An Outline of Psycho-Analysis and Other Works, Sigmund Freud 1937 – 40, Vintage, The Hogarth Press UK, 2001 ISBN 0−099−42678−1
Precarious Life — The Powers of Mourning and Violence, Judith Butler, 2004 publ. Verso, ISBN 1 84467 005 8
Andreas Kilcher: The Moses of Sinai and the Moses of Egypt. Moses as Magician in Jewish Literature and Western Esotericism. In: Aries. Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism. Edited by Roland Edighoffer, Antoine Faivre and Wouter J. Hanegraaff. 4, Heft 2 (2004), S. 148 – 170. Leiden (NL)
New English Bible
2005 (2 – 18.12.) DVD Version, group exhibition, Traum und Trauma — Zur Idee des Staates Israel in Film und Video, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (Dream and Trauma — On the Idea of the State of Israel in Film and Video) (D)
2005 (7.12) Seminar & trailer, Conference: Jüdische Frauen in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Jewish Women in the Past and Present), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Wesseling nr. Bonn (D)
2006 (27.2) Peer Critique, trailer, Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum (GB)
2006 (5.4.) Professional Practice Seminar with trailer, Fine Art Department, Sheffield Hallam University (GB)
2006 (6.4) Trailer presented in Seminar within Cathy Gelbin’s PhD. Conference course: Gender and Visual Arts, Holocaust Studies, Royal Holloway, London (D)
2006 (6.5. – 18.6.) Jahresausstellung (Yearly exhibition), Kunstverein Rosenheim (D)
2006 (10.5) Körperbilder (Body Images), seminar and video trailer, Kunstverein (Art Centre) Dortmund (D)
2006 (14.8) Promises: DVD projection, solo exhibition, Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum (GB)
2006 (29.8. – 31.8.) DVD projection, group exhibition, c.sides festival, International Convention Center, Jerusalem and projection with discussion, Jerusalem Cinematheque, evening of 29.8. (IL)
2006 (6.10. – 27.10) Promised Land: 3 photographs: Beelzebularin and 2 digitally handwritten texts in English and German, Virtual Residency, Galeria Biala, Centrum Kultury, Lublin (PL)
2007 (23.3.) On the online Feminist Art Base:… audio extract (English) from Promised Land„ The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, The Brooklyn Museum, New York (USA)
2007 (10.3.) Promised Land: Beelzebularin awarded a commendation in the International Jewish Artists of the Year Awards, Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art (GB)
2007 (11.3. – 9.4.) Group exhibition, DVD projection, Connected, opening 12 am, Jewish Cultural Days, Altes Museum im BIS-Zentrum (Old Museum in the BIS Centre), Moenchengladbach (D)
2007 (6.11−16.12) Opening 5th November, ending 16th December, Promised Land DVD, group exhibition Diaspora and Troubles curated by Tanya Ury, Kunstbunker Tumulka, Munich (D)
2008 (27.1) Screening with discussion, Anadoma Film/Video-Festival (25. – 27.1), Lot-Theater, Braunschweig (D)
2009 (30.4−3.5) 17.30 hours — 1st May, screening of Promised Land (German version) with discussion, Limmud Festival, Werbellinsee, Jugenderholungs- und Begegnungsstätte (Youth Relaxation and Meeting Place) (D)
Publications & Press
2005 (12) Interview Isabella Herskovics, Saarländisches Radio (D)
2005 (4.12) Interview Dominik Rzepka, Radio Dom, Cologne (D)
2006 (5.2006) Image of Beelzebularin in Jahresausstellung (yearly exhibition) catalogue, Kunstverein Rosenheim (Art Centre), (D)
2006 (26.8) Interview with Aron Hadar and image: Promised Land: Beelzebularin, Ha’aretz (IL)
2008 (9) Promised Land: 3 photographs: Beelzebularin and 2 digitally handwritten texts in English and German, Virtual Residency catalogue ISBN 978−3−9812208−0−3 (D) www.virtual-residency.…
2008 (11) Beelzebularin discussed in article on Tanya Ury (in German) by Hartmut Bomhoff with image of Beelzebularin, Jüdische Zeitung (monthly), Berlin (D) article as PDF
2009 (1) Anadoma Film/Video-Festival, Braunschweig catalogue, discussion with Florian Krautkrämer on the video Promised Land (pdf) (D)
2009 (4) Image of Beelzebularin in Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture (USA)