Awards — Residencies

1990 British Academy Award, stipend for the Masters in Fine Art at Reading Univer­sity (GB)
1990 Resi­dency at The Media Centre, South Hill Park, Berk­shire (GB)
1991 – 92 Colin Walker Fellow­ship in Fine Art (& guest lecturer) £6,000, Sheffield Hallam Univer­sity (GB)
1996 Hotel Chelsea — Köln, VIVA 8 Festival, awarded Best Confronta­tional Video, London (GB)
2006 British Council Travel Award (200 Euros) for c.sides Festival, Jerusalem (IL)
2007 Promised Land: Beelze­bu­larin awarded a commen­da­tion in the Inter­na­tional Jewish Artists of the Year Awards, Ben Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art (GB)
2007 (27.9. – 3.10) Avant-Garde Dating”, a week’s Wooloo perfor­mance resi­dency with Laurel Jay Carpenter, during Art Forum, at The New Life Shop Art Gallery, Choriner Strasse 85, Berlin www.AvantgardeDating.c… www​.simon​hoegs​berg​.com… (D)
2013 Kulturamt (Art’s Council equiv­a­lent) 6,000 Euro funding for Hair Shirt Army, an instal­la­tion (13.2.-April 2014), to be presented in the vault of EL-DE-Haus, The Nazi Docu­men­ta­tion Centre, Cologne (D)

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