Avant-Garde Dating and The Change –
Looking Back in Art and Life on Matters of the Body (Introductory Talk)
2007 (27.9. – 3.10) Tanya Ury’s new work in the collaborative context with Laurel Jay Carpenter (Website: laureljay.com) during the ”Avant-Garde Dating” week at Art Forum, The New Life Shop Art Gallery, Choriner Strasse 85, Berlin (D). Avantgarde Dating an introductory talk was written by Ury for this project.
A DVD compilation of all the “Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subtitles, 40 minutes was put together 2009
Avant-Garde-Dating – a collection of works:
- The Danaids
- Zucchini
- Game & Match
- Climacter
- Broken Glass 1 & 2
- Avant-Garde Dating – Introductory Talk
2007 (27.9. – 3.10) Tanya Ury’s new work in the collaborative context with Laurel Jay Carpenter during the ”Avant-Garde Dating” week at Art Forum, The New Life Shop Art Gallery, Choriner Strasse 85, Berlin (D)
2007 (3) An article by Simon Hoegsberg on Tanya Ury’s and Laurel Jay Carpenter’s partnership during the “Avant-Garde Dating“ week has been presented in the Danish magazine “Samvirke”, March edition 2008. There is an English translation on Hoegsberg’s website: www.simonhoegsberg.com… (DK)