Category: Collection of works: Jacob's Ladder

A white neon sign (12415 cm) Insur­ance price 3,000 Euros (Edition 5) Jacob’s Ladder – a collec­tion of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cyber­sexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestle­with­y­ourangel neonazi Blind Spot Red Hot Pokers Tran­scending the Ladder Jack the Ladder The logo refers […]

Article The​‘ladder of heaven’ of John Klimakos, 12th Century, Alchemy and Mysti­cism, Alexander Roob, Taschen Books 1997 Heav­enly ladder of St. John of Sinai, John Klimakos, 12th Century, Tempera on Wood, Monastery of St. Catherine — Mount Sinai Tanya Ury’s article written in English enti­tled Tran­scending the Ladder about the devel­op­ment and research for her project Jacob’s Ladder […]

A photo­graph sealed under plex­i­glass and mounted (1m x 1m). The image is of a board game Snakes and Ladders, with an English text around the edges: 1996 Jacob’s Ladder — a Cyber­sexual Parable Tanya Ury (D) Insur­ance value 2,500 Euros Jacob’s Ladder – a collec­tion of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cyber­sexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim […]

10 photographs sealed under plex­i­glass and mounted (63cm x 94.5cm), Deià, Mallorca, no. 3 – 10 1996, no. 1 – 2 1999 Insur­ance value 2,000 Euros Jacob’s Ladder – a collec­tion of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cyber­sexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestle­with­y­ourangel neonazi Blind Spot Red Hot Pokers Tran­scending the […]

A photo­graph sealed under plex­i­glass and mounted (63cm x 94.5cm) Zurich Insur­ance value 2,000 Euros This photo­graph is a portrait of Margit Széchényi in her Fortuna Antique Galerie, Zurich. She is holding up a Roman brooch piece from the 2nd — 4th Century BC. The orna­ment, found in the Balkan area is a swastika design that denoted good fortune. Jacob’s Ladder – […]

Video (English) 34 mins 2003 Beta SP, PAL 4:3 Docu­men­ta­tion of a perfor­mance with Rolf Steiner Hochbunker Cologne-Ehren­feld (D) 9.11.2002 2005 Trailer 6 Minutes Price DVD: 50 Euros Jacob’s Ladder – a collec­tion of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cyber­sexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestle­with­y­ourangel neonazi Blind Spot […]

A blue neon sign (5915 cm) Insur­ance price 2,500 Euro Jacob’s Ladder – a collec­tion of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cyber­sexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestle­with­y­ourangel neonazi Blind Spot Red Hot Pokers Tran­scending the Ladder Jack the Ladder This neon sign makes light of, […]

A video projec­tion (German) onto the floor 16.30 minutes Analogue Beta SP, PAL 4:3 1996 The English voice over is a text by Ury of the same title Price DVD: 50 Euros Jacob’s Ladder – a collec­tion of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cyber­sexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestlewithyourangel […]

A photo­graph sealed under plex­i­glass and mounted (6394.5cm), Deià, Mallorca Insur­ance value 2,000 Euros Jacob’s Ladder – a collec­tion of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cyber­sexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestle­with­y­ourangel neonazi Blind Spot Red Hot Pokers Tran­scending the Ladder Jack the Ladder In […]

21 photo series in a ladder-shape 3,5 metres high, C‑prints mounted on Forex and sealed, glass and clip frame: 7 photos 2740 cm, 14 photos 4050 cm, edition of 7 Insur­ance value 3,000 Euros The photo series Jack the Ladder is also avail­able in a smaller version: 14 Photos 1318 cm, 7 Photos 1913 cm, edition of 7. A series of 12 […]

A photo­graph sealed under plex­i­glass and mounted (MDF), (63cm x 94.5cm) Insur­ance value 2,000 Euros This double-profile-portrait combines the image of a Spanish 25 peseta coin from 1957 and a cutting from a German maga­zine in 1994. On the left, into the cheek of General Franco’s face, a swastika has been carved. Oppo­site Fran­cisco is the photo­graphic image of Elke J. […]

A photo­graph sealed under plex­i­glass and mounted, (56cm x 94.5cm) Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Human­i­ties candi­date at Leiden Univer­sity, Insti­tute for Cultural Disci­plines (NL) The photo­graph combines a German news­paper article (2000) on Hugo Boss the fashion concern and its origins […]

Video projec­tion (German), 18.10 minutes Analogue Beta SP, PAL 4:3 Price 200 Euros Video­cas­sette (VHS copy) or DVD Jacob’s Ladder – a collec­tion of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cyber­sexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestle­with­y­ourangel neonazi Blind Spot Red Hot Pokers Tran­scending the Ladder Jack the […]

Repro­duc­tions of 15 Hugo Boss post­cards of 1998 – 99 winter fashion, and repro­duc­tions of 4 post­cards with illus­tra­tions of Spanish soldiers and their sweet­hearts from the 1960’s (or 70’s) are sealed under plex­i­glass and mounted. Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Human­i­ties candidate […]

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