Category: Collection of works: Avant-Garde Dating

Perfor­mance in English, docu­mented on video Trailer 5 minutes 10 seconds A DVD compi­la­tion of all the​“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subti­tles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 2007 (27.9. – 3.10) Zucchini was an impromptu short story related by Tanya Ury to her guests in the gallery, after they had consumed a cour­gette curry prepared by the artist at her […]

Carpenter & Ury 2007 Perfor­mance docu­mented on video, English, 1 hour Trailer: 4 minutes 50 seconds A DVD compi­la­tion of all the​“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subti­tles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 2007 (3.10) The Danaids is a collab­o­ra­tive work by Carpenter and Ury, conceived and performed during the​”Avant-Garde Dating” week, 27.9. – 3.10.2007, for Art Forum, The New Life […]

Ury & Carpenter 2007 — 08 Video/​performance English 1 hour Trailer: Laurel Carpenter’s Story: John Bloom, 5 minutes 8 seconds Trailer: Tanya Ury’s story: Colin, the ashram, 5 minutes 20 seconds A DVD compi­la­tion of all the​“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subti­tles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 2007 (30.9) Orig­inal concept Tanya Ury’s, devel­oped and performed by Laurel Jay Carpenter and Tanya […]

Perfor­mance docu­mented on video, English, 1 hour Trailer 5 minutes A DVD compi­la­tion of all the​“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subti­tles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 2007 (29.9) Orig­inal concept Tanya Ury’s, devel­oped and performed by Laurel Jay Carpenter and Tanya Ury, during the​”Avant-Garde Dating” week, 27.9. – 3.10.2007, for Art Forum, The New Life Shop Art Gallery, […]

Perfor­mances docu­mented on video, 1: 2 minutes 45 seconds & 2: 6 minutes A DVD compi­la­tion of all the​“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subti­tles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 2007 (27.9: 2 ½ minutes & 1.10: 6 minutes) Orig­inal concept Tanya Ury’s, devel­oped and performed by Laurel Jay Carpenter and Tanya Ury during the​”Avant-Garde Dating” week for Art Forum, 27.9. – 3.10.2008, The […]

Avant-Garde Dating and The Change – Looking Back in Art and Life on Matters of the Body (Intro­duc­tory Talk) 2007 (27.9. – 3.10) Tanya Ury’s new work in the collab­o­ra­tive context with Laurel Jay Carpenter (Website: laureljay​.com) during the​”Avant-Garde Dating” week at Art Forum, The New Life Shop Art Gallery, Choriner Strasse 85, Berlin (D). Avant­garde Dating an […]

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