VHS video 12 minutes (English), 1990 A DVD edited by Rainer Nelissen was produced in 2009. Trailer 5:30 minutes Workshops – a collection of works: Dance Video Workshop: Control 1991 Dance Video Workshop: Secret Spaces 1991 Bochum Workshop – Uniform, Status Symbol and Ideal 2007 Unnatural Consequences (work in progress) 2014- In the evening the girls make creative use of the […]
Trilogy – a collection of works: Trilogy: Lilith Trilogy: Passion Play Trilogy: Song of Songs The Trilogy is a collection of video works completed during Tanya Ury’s final year of the BA HONS in Fine Art course at Exeter College of Art and Design (now Plymouth University), and which were presented at her degree show in 1988. Price of each […]
A photograph sealed under plexiglass and mounted, H 56 cm x B 77 cm (Edition of 7) Insurance value 2,000 Euro Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Humanities candidate at Leiden University, Institute for Cultural Disciplines (NL). The filmed process of Tanya Ury’s body art embroidery and […]
A white neon sign (124 x 15 cm) Insurance price 3,000 Euros (Edition 5) Jacob’s Ladder – a collection of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cybersexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestlewithyourangel neonazi Blind Spot Red Hot Pokers Transcending the Ladder Jack the Ladder The logo refers […]
Of the many workshops that Tanya Ury has given, most were presentations of her work or lectures — some were workshops, especially prepared for the occasion. Workshops – a collection of works: Dance Video Workshop: Control 1991 Dance Video Workshop: Secret Spaces 1991 Bochum Workshop — Uniform, Status Symbol and Ideal 2007 Unnatural Consequences (work in progress) 2014– Presentation 1992 False […]
Poem, English, unpublished This short love poem is a humorous but passionate string of word foreplay oriented around oral and aural desire, culinary, with a sensed jazz rhythm beat. *** Ury has also created other artworks that might be considered visual poetry. Moving Message 1992, incorporates an LED sign displaying the words: you are why; Sonata in […]
Poem (English), unpublished wish, a Haiku on S & M In its style and intention the concrete poetry is a collection of jumbled, abstract ideas that reflect the day-to-day life and mood of the artist. Above all, it is improvised and written down immediately — in essence it is automatic writing. Tanya Ury’s written poetry may be regarded as“concrete” […]
I chose the Boss story to engage with, although many other German companies profited during the war years by exploitation, because Boss was a clothing manufacturer; the idea that a costume doesn’t just provide a protective layer but can also be a form of disguise, intrigued me. Hugo Ferdinand Boss made gentlemen’s suits in Metzingen, Germany until 1931. Later, […]
Video-installation with live performance reading. A DVD (42 minutes) of the poem layout with an unsynchronised double voice soundtrack for projection was created in 2012 (image format 4:3) – trailer 2 minutes. Information Poems, design Recording 1 Tanya Ury, Recording 2 Jules Desgoutte Video edit Mirco Sanftleben Text editor Amin Farzanefar The live concert“CrissCross/Anamnesis #10“, by the composer […]
Information Concept: Tanya Ury Workshops – a collection of works: Dance Video Workshop: Control 1991 Dance Video Workshop: Secret Spaces 1991 Bochum Workshop – Uniform, Status Symbol and Ideal 2007 Unnatural Consequences (work in progress) 2014– Take a piece of paper; draw a face; fold the paper over to conceal the face – only a neck can now be seen; pass […]
This poem in German and English is, in the main, a list of handpicked words that begin with the prefix“un”. In its style and intention the concrete poetry is a collection of jumbled, abstract ideas that reflect the day-to-day life and mood of the artist. Above all, it is improvised and written down immediately — in essence it […]
Video-installation and some printed concrete poetry The poetry series two toned was written directly after the toned poems that were set to music with sound effects by Kasander Nilist; the title, amongst other things, also refers to the term“tone poems”. A symphonic poem or tone poem is a piece of orchestral music in a single continuous section […]
Lo-band U‑matic video, 12 minutes, English A DVD with German subtitles edited by Rainer Nelissen was produced in 2009, German translation, Tanya Ury & Amin Farzanefar. Price of each DVD: 50 Euros Trailer 2:20 minutes Trilogy – a collection of works: Trilogy: Lilith Trilogy: Passion Play Trilogy: Song of Songs To the love poetry of the Song of Solomon, Song of Songs […]
Lo-band U‑matic video, 10 minutes, English A DVD with German subtitles edited by Rainer Nelissen was produced in 2009, German translation, Tanya Ury & Amin Farzanefar. Price of each DVD: 50 Euros Trailer 2:20 minutes Trilogy – a collection of works: Trilogy: Lilith Trilogy: Passion Play Trilogy: Song of Songs With Passion Play Ury attempts to reconcile contrasting characteristics of the“feminine”, […]
Lo-band U‑matic video, 9 minutes, English (GB) A DVD with German subtitles edited by Rainer Nelissen was produced in 2009, German translation, Tanya Ury & Amin Farzanefar. Price of each DVD: 50 Euros Trailer 2:10 minutes Trilogy – a collection of works: Trilogy: Lilith Trilogy: Passion Play Trilogy: Song of Songs An interpretation of a Talmudic story: mythical Lilith, the first woman, was […]
Tanya Ury & Kasander Nilist 2011 – 2013 From 2011 on, Tanya Ury started recording 12 of the more traditional poems to be found in her poetry series in a working partnership with Kasander Nilist (double bass, sound and mix). These toned poems are: Artemis 2:05 minutes (from oral call 20, poem 2011, music & sound mix 2012) cells 40 seconds (from cross […]
Article The‘ladder of heaven’ of John Klimakos, 12th Century, Alchemy and Mysticism, Alexander Roob, Taschen Books 1997 Heavenly ladder of St. John of Sinai, John Klimakos, 12th Century, Tempera on Wood, Monastery of St. Catherine — Mount Sinai Tanya Ury’s article written in English entitled Transcending the Ladder about the development and research for her project Jacob’s Ladder […]
Performance in English, documented on video Trailer 5 minutes 10 seconds A DVD compilation of all the“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subtitles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 2007 (27.9. – 3.10) Zucchini was an impromptu short story related by Tanya Ury to her guests in the gallery, after they had consumed a courgette curry prepared by the artist at her […]
Virtual sound realities by Tanya Ury GB/D Tell Tale Cassettes for Walkman (English only) Edit Tanya Ury German translation Tanya Ury and Amin Farzanefar 2004 1. The Sunbed: 9 minutes 2. Mind over Matter — For the Conscientious Driver: 11:28 minutes 3. Lie and Learn (English/German): 5 minutes Trailer 5 minutes German translation Tanya Ury and Amin Farzanefar 2004, recorded in German […]
A 4 Monitor video installation 3 monitors displaying English subtitles, one extra with surveillance camera Super 8 film edited on lo-band Umatic video, 7 minutes 9 seconds, repeated 8 times for a 1‑hour auto rewind tape This video installation was made at Sheffield Hallam University during the Colin Walker Fellowship in Fine Art, a year’s teaching residency, (GB) A documentation of Play in […]
13 perfumed glass-framed photos with text, 50 x 76 cm (4.5 square metres) Edition of 7 Catalogue ISBN 3−9804354−2−3, 10 Euro The photo series was produced as digital compositing version for projection with soundtrack (English: 11:15 minutes, trailer 1:27 minutes and German: 13:30 minutes, trailer 1:33 minutes) in 2009, digital processing: Ingolf Pink, edit Mirco Sanftleben – Pixel 2 Motion, Cologne (D) The Senses […]
A split-screen DVD (English and German versions: 34 minutes) edited by Mirco Sanftleben, pixel2motion was produced in 2009 – original material lo band Umatic from Hi8 source 1991. Trailer 4 minutes. Concept, performance: Tanya Ury Intimacy, the split screen video and touch screen pieces combine material filmed in 1991 with written text citations taken from“Intimité” (Intimacy) 1939 […]
The Senses: Play in Camera (sense of sight) The Senses: Play it by Ear & An Ear for You (sense of sound) The Senses: Ô d’Oriane (sense of smell) The Senses: Zucchini (sense of taste) The Senses: Intimacy (sense of touch) The Senses is a collection of works completed over 16 years. With video and audio recordings, a live film element, projected photography, as well […]
Carpenter & Ury 2007 Performance documented on video, English, 1 hour Trailer: 4 minutes 50 seconds A DVD compilation of all the“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subtitles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 2007 (3.10) The Danaids is a collaborative work by Carpenter and Ury, conceived and performed during the”Avant-Garde Dating” week, 27.9. – 3.10.2007, for Art Forum, The New Life […]
Video-installation A DVD (4:50:00 minutes) of the poem layout with voice-over soundtrack for projection was created in 2013 (image format 4:3) Information Poetry, design & recording Tanya Ury Video edit Mirco Sanftleben Correction of German parts Amin Farzanefar In a similar manner to her other poetry series Tanya Ury’s taste of space is written off the cuff, whatever comes […]
A photograph sealed under plexiglass and mounted (1m x 1m). The image is of a board game Snakes and Ladders, with an English text around the edges: 1996 Jacob’s Ladder — a Cybersexual Parable Tanya Ury (D) Insurance value 2,500 Euros Jacob’s Ladder – a collection of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cybersexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim […]
Kurzgeschichte Englisch/Deutsch, nicht veröffentlichtJanuar 1994 — Januar 2003 Englische Version: Night and Day, Übersetzung aus dem Englischen Tanya Ury und Rolf Steiner Als Diavorlesung mit 50 Dias In mehreren ihrer Arbeiten hat Tanya Ury den Namen Hermè oder Herme angenommen (her & me, also Sie & ich): Hermeneurotisch – Eine Werkserie: Hermes Insensed 2000 – 2001 (Photoserie mit 15 Kurzgeschichten) Brücken Bauen […]
Work in Progress Since November 1992, Tanya Ury has been collecting her hair, from natural hair loss daily, and saving it in small plastic sachets (90mm x 115mm), with a handwritten date label. Previously, some of these bags were sewn together by her, to make large plastic sheets resembling“shower curtains”, one curtain each year, for the […]
10 photographs sealed under plexiglass and mounted (63cm x 94.5cm), Deià, Mallorca, no. 3 – 10 1996, no. 1 – 2 1999 Insurance value 2,000 Euros Jacob’s Ladder – a collection of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cybersexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestlewithyourangel neonazi Blind Spot Red Hot Pokers Transcending the […]
A short story English/German 2000-April 2003 (unpublished), after“Das Mädchen mit der Eidechse” (The Girl with the Lizard) from“Liebesfluchten”(Flights of Love) by Bernhard Schlink. German translation Stechmücke Tanya Ury & Rolf Steiner Both versions published on the Bet Debora conference Website (2003), December 2006 As a slide reading with 31 slides of Karl Schmidt-Rottluff’s art In […]
A series of wooden-framed photographs, each: upright format W 38.13 x H 42 cm, landscape format B 51,63 x H 28 cm (Edition of 7) Concept Tanya Ury Camera: Tanya Ury Digital processing: Claudia Stasch and Ingolf Pink Insurance value: each picture 1,000 Euros Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Humanities […]
Photo series with English text 17 photos Sealed onto Forex sheets, plexiglass and clip-framed 1999 – 2000 8 photographs 30.3 x 45.1 cm 8 photographs 20 x 45.1 cm (English text) 1 photograph 9.5 x 14.8 cm (title) Edition of seven Edition of seven: 8 photographs 60.6 x 90.2 cm 8 photographs 40 x 90.2 cm 1 photograph 19 x 29.6 cm Sonata in Sea is presented as a room installation, where a CD of Suzanne Bradbury may […]
A photograph H 66 x B 77 (Edition 7), offset print laminated and laminated on the rear side with 3mm Dibond Information Concept and photography: Tanya Ury Digital image processing: Ingolf Pink shower proof is an artist’s impression of the Hair Shirt Army in the vault of EL-DE-Haus, the Nazi Documentation Centre, Cologne (D), produced before the installation […]
A photograph, laminated and backed with 3mm Dibond, H 45 x W 30.5 cm (Edition of 7) Insurance value 1,000 Euros Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Humanities candidate at Leiden University, Institute for Cultural Disciplines (NL) In the summer of 2006 Hugo Boss produced a new […]
A performance video (D) 52 minutes, Analogue Beta SP, PAL 4:3 2005 Trailer 3.30 Minutes Insurance value DVD: 200 €uro Close-up video images show Ury’s right-hand stitching the word“Boss” into the palm of her left-hand; the thin sewing needle, threaded with fine black cotton, does not incur any bleeding. Röslein Sprach… the video title (trans.: […]
A photograph sealed under plexiglass and mounted (63cm x 94.5cm) Zurich Insurance value 2,000 Euros This photograph is a portrait of Margit Széchényi in her Fortuna Antique Galerie, Zurich. She is holding up a Roman brooch piece from the 2nd — 4th Century BC. The ornament, found in the Balkan area is a swastika design that denoted good fortune. Jacob’s Ladder – […]
Right of Return photograph (1.14 x 1.14 metres) Insurance price 1000 Euros Right of Return 2 digitally handwritten texts in English and German, each: H 33 x B 100cm Insurance price 2000 Euros Right of Return comprises of the red-tinted photograph of a newspaper article:“Israel‘is sealing off Jerusalem Arabs’ ” Guardian International 8 – 14.4.2005, concerning the contentious political situation in Jerusalem; 2 digitally […]
Video (English) 34 mins 2003 Beta SP, PAL 4:3 Documentation of a performance with Rolf Steiner Hochbunker Cologne-Ehrenfeld (D) 9.11.2002 2005 Trailer 6 Minutes Price DVD: 50 Euros Jacob’s Ladder – a collection of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cybersexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestlewithyourangel neonazi Blind Spot […]
[ Français ] A series of art works: consisting of photographs, objects and digitally handwritten texts, dedicated to Ela Ury Right of Return Pomegrenade – Occupying the Territories Beelzebularin Calving Trouble Edition of 7 DVD 200 Euros A DVD projection of image and sound, English Version 33 minutes, German Version 40 minutes, has also been produced. Promised Land: Beelzebularin was […]
Video-installation and some printed concrete poetry “Pomes Penyeach” was the title of James Joyce’s thirteen-poem collection, written over a twenty-year period (1904−24). The title is a play on“poems” and“pommes” (the French word for apples) which are here offered at“a penny each” in either currency. It was the custom for Irish tradespeople of the time […]
Pomegrenade photograph (H 68 x B 100 cm) Insurance price 1000 Euros Pomegrenade 2 digitally handwritten texts in English and German (2 x (H 100 x B 81cm)) Insurance price 2000 Euros Pomegrenade consists of a photograph of red-stained hands, de-pulped pomegranates and red-stained white linen; also to be seen are the 2 digitally handwritten texts in red and black, in the form […]
(in 3⁄4 time) 2003 15 A4 sheets of English verse (unpublished), handwritten in mirror form, framed in light wooden frames. (Hand mirror is provided.) Insurance price 1000 Euros The Poker Poems are by and large about an imagined interaction between the dictator Adolf Hitler and the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. It is possible that they knew each other in […]
Like half dimensional poems 2009 – 2011 cement 2011, weißer neger (white nigger) 2011 and concrete party 2011, oral call (the title suggesting the oracle) is prose poetry, written in English and German. In style and sense these are concrete poems, a collection of jumbled abstract thoughts, misunderstood conversation and misread text, which, reflect the daily life and […]
A photograph sealed under plexiglass and mounted, height 64 cm x width 85 cm (edition of 7) (Edition of 7: height 32 cm x width 42,5 cm) Insurance value 2,000 Euros Concept Tanya Ury Camera David Janecek Digital image processing Claudia Stasch Double Portraits — a collection of works: Hermes Insensed 2000 – 2001 Franco and Elke J. 2002 lesser is me more or less 2003 Your Rules 2004 […]
A video documentation (8.21 minutes) of the half dimensional poems presentation in the Kunstpalast Düsseldorf 24.2.2011, with on a mat appear — and improvised poetry in WP8 Düsseldorf 12.3.2011, was filmed, edited and produced by Maximilian Hoffs. An audio CD documentation of Roland Graeter’s free improvised Music Marathon # 194 (cello/voice) — 36,5 minutes, encore 3:65 minutes, featuring Tanya Ury (on a mat […]
A blue neon sign (59 x 15 cm) Insurance price 2,500 Euro Jacob’s Ladder – a collection of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cybersexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestlewithyourangel neonazi Blind Spot Red Hot Pokers Transcending the Ladder Jack the Ladder This neon sign makes light of, […]
LED display sign with holograms of texts, English and German, 1992 The 12, A4 holograms of texts have been framed together in steel frames, in three rows of four, 83cm x 78 cm The LED displays a moving message with various combinations of the three words YOU ARE WHY. The dictum YOU ARE WHY, not only poses the […]
Poem, English, unpublished This short poem about the end of love describes a night of love in words evoking the Goddess Fortuna but also in terms of a meal consumed too quickly. Word-fore-play — Recipe for Love no thyme though there was no thyme it was mint to be to be quite candied in no thyme I knew no thyme to rue you took my […]
Video-installation Information Poetry, design & recording Tanya Ury Video edit Mirco Sanftleben Correction of German parts Amin Farzanefar A DVD (? minutes) of the poem layout with voice-over soundtrack for projection was created in 2015 (image format 4:3) *** magical reality is yet another poetry series written off the cuff — the thirteenth in a series, commenced in 2009 with […]
These poems take up the thread where the half dimensional poems, cement and on a mat appear leave off. In style and sense they are concrete poems, a collection of jumbled abstract thoughts, which reflect the daily life and temperament of the artist. Distinctively, this poetry is improvised and written in real-time. Tanya Ury’s written poetry may […]
A photograph sealed under plexiglass and mounted (MDF), height 64 cm x width 86,64 cm (edition of 7) (Edition of 7: height 32? cm x width 45? cm) Insurance Value 2,000 Euros lesser is me more or less features the artist Tanya Ury to the right of the picture, sitting in three-quarter view. Digitally incorporated into the photograph and facing her to […]
Video-installation and some printed concrete poetry 2011, Ury created visual images of 17 concrete poems, to be presented online and as print versions (23.5 x 32.45 cm), digital image processing Mirco Sanftleben, two of these poems being femininity and femininiation, the rest being part of the series cement, weißer neger (white nigger), concrete party & oral call, cross […]
A video projection (German) onto the floor 16.30 minutes Analogue Beta SP, PAL 4:3 1996 The English voice over is a text by Ury of the same title Price DVD: 50 Euros Jacob’s Ladder – a collection of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cybersexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestlewithyourangel […]
A photograph sealed under plexiglass and mounted (63 x 94.5cm), Deià, Mallorca Insurance value 2,000 Euros Jacob’s Ladder – a collection of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cybersexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestlewithyourangel neonazi Blind Spot Red Hot Pokers Transcending the Ladder Jack the Ladder In […]
The politically provocative historical and contemporary images and texts are an ensemble of photographs, video, neon signs, newspaper cuttings and other material, collated together by the artist Tanya Ury in Germany and Mallorca over a period of six years. The title‘Jacob’s Ladder’ refers to Jacob of the Old Testament. The closing event to Tanya Ury’s […]
21 photo series in a ladder-shape 3,5 metres high, C‑prints mounted on Forex and sealed, glass and clip frame: 7 photos 27 x 40 cm, 14 photos 40 x 50 cm, edition of 7 Insurance value 3,000 Euros The photo series Jack the Ladder is also available in a smaller version: 14 Photos 13 x 18 cm, 7 Photos 19 x 13 cm, edition of 7. A series of 12 […]
4 sides of English verse (unpublished) This short poem takes up the thread where the half dimensional poems, cement and on a mat appear leave off. In style and sense it is a concrete poem, a collection of jumbled abstract thoughts, which reflect the daily life and temperament of the artist. In detail it contains a conglomerate of song, […]
Two photographic portraits of Peter Zadek (D) 15.7.2000 (100 x 67 cm, digital Pigment print FineArt, laminated with 3mm Dibond, satin laminate), as illustration to Holding the Baby. a short story, English/German March 2002, German translation Tanya Ury and Rolf Steiner Tanya Ury’s short story Holding the Baby was published in German with two portrait of Peter Zadek […]
2013 – 2014 The poetry series hero of your own saga continues in the same vain as other series that Tanya Ury has contrived, with lines written off the cuff, mostly absurd, sporadically traditional and with some images, that is, text as poetry. The form, as with several others of the series, remains a construction of 28 poems, […]
1.10.2005 Gold ring with inscription In several of her works Tanya Ury has adopted the name of Hermè or Herme (her & me): Hermeneurotic — a collection of works: Hermes Insensed 2000 – 2001 (photo series with 15 short stories) Building Bridges 2001 (short story) Between the Lines or The Three Rs 2001 (short story) Holding the Baby 2002 (2 photographs and […]
A photograph height 31.5 cm x width 23.5 cm (edition of 7) Insurance value of each photo 700 Euros Concept Tanya Ury Digital image processing Ingolf Pink In several of her works Tanya Ury has adopted the name of Hermè or Herme (her & me): Hermeneurotic — a collection of works: Hermes Insensed 2000 – 2001 (photo series with 15 short stories) Building Bridges 2001 (short story) Between […]
60 glass-framed photos, including 15 handwritten English texts (Tanya Ury), 15 handwritten German texts (translation: Alix Brand & Tanya Ury) Edition of seven: No.1 — No. 60: 42 x 63 cm, No. 61: 50 x 75 cm (mounted and sealed under plexiglass) (Edition of seven: No.1 — No. 60: 84 x 126 cm, No.61: 100 x 150 cm) Catalogue, Korridor Verlag 2001 (D) ISBN 3−9802189−4−5 An audio CD […]
Work in Progress Book Collections by Tanya Ury In several of her works Tanya Ury has adopted the name of Hermè or Herme (her & me): Hermeneurotic — a collection of works: Hermes Insensed 2000 – 2001 (photo series with 15 short stories) Building Bridges 2001 (short story) Between the Lines or The Three Rs 2001 (short story) Holding the Baby 2002 (2 […]
A photograph height 31.5 cm x width 23.5 cm (edition of 7) Insurance value 700 Euros In several of her works Tanya Ury has adopted the name of Hermè or Herme (her & me): Hermeneurotic — a collection of works: Hermes Insensed 2000 – 2001 (photo series with 15 short stories) Building Bridges 2001 (short story) Between the Lines or The Three Rs 2001 (short story) Holding […]
A photograph height 31,5 cm x width 23,5 cm (edition of 7) Scan for x cm Insurance value 700 Euros In several of her works Tanya Ury has adopted the name of Hermè or Herme (her & me): Hermeneurotic — a collection of works: Hermes Insensed 2000 – 2001 (photo series with 15 short stories) Building Bridges 2001 (short story) Between the Lines or The Three Rs 2001 […]
Dedicated to Alan Xmas 2009 — New Year 2011 Video-installation with live performance reading. A power point presentation of the poem layout was created in 2011 — also a DVD (36:08 minutes) with soundtrack for projection was created in 2011 – trailer half dimensional poems no.15, 1:25 minutes. For the première in the Kunstpalast Düsseldorf 24.2.2011 Ury played back the video-installation and […]
1989 – 2010 The photograph semi detached & the half dimensional poems no. 1 combine to create a record cover (31.2 cm width x 31.3 height) commissioned for a group exhibition of 25 Jens-Uwe Beyer record covers celebrating 10 years of kjubh Kunstverein e.V. (Art Centre), at the Kölnischer Kunstverein (Cologne Art Centre) (D) 10th July 2010. semi detached is a photograph taken in Alfred Unger’s […]
19 Men’s coats (German) size 56 Insurance price 30,000 Euros Articles of clothing made of small plastic bags sewn together; each bag (90mm x 115mm) contains a date label and sample of the artist’s hair from 1993 – 2013. The original Hair Shirt is fashioned after a leather Luftwaffe coat design and bears similarities to the Hugo Boss leather coat, winter […]
Man’s coat (German) size 56 Insurance value 1,500 Euros Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Humanities candidate at Leiden University, Institute for Cultural Disciplines (NL) An article of clothing made of small plastic bags sewn together; each bag (90mm x 115mm) contains a date label […]
Articles (in German & English) and a power point presentation, radio and TV interviews Archive – a collection of works Archive Fever Fury Conscience archive burn out 2011 – 2014 German version: Tanya Ury and Amin Farzanefar, editor: Amin Farzanefar “Needless to say, when treatment was so frequent, there could be no question of proper documentation or assessment of the therapy; […]
A short story English/German (unpublished) June-August 2003 German translation Nimm das Leben in die Hand Tanya Ury and Amin Farzanefar (unpublished) As slide reading with 37 slides from Tanya Ury’s childhood In several of her works Tanya Ury has adopted the name of Hermè or Herme (her & me): Hermeneurotic — a collection of works: Hermes Insensed 2000 – 2001 (photo series […]
cunt prints – a collection of works: Blue Danaé 1 & 2 1998 cunt prints 2013 georgy girl 2016 fanny fans (work in progress) georgy girl: 2 series of 10 gouache body prints on paper – each sheet 100 x 100 cm Series 1: 15 prints, gouache colours: cadmium red hue, purple magenta and cobalt green deep on watercolour paper (natural white, […]
Ury & Carpenter 2007 — 08 Video/performance English 1 hour Trailer: Laurel Carpenter’s Story: John Bloom, 5 minutes 8 seconds Trailer: Tanya Ury’s story: Colin, the ashram, 5 minutes 20 seconds A DVD compilation of all the“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subtitles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 2007 (30.9) Original concept Tanya Ury’s, developed and performed by Laurel Jay Carpenter and Tanya […]
Video-performance (English/German) 2:05 hours and short version 16 minutes vimeo.com/7662688 (Adobe flash player update free under Google) Price & insurance value 100 Euros Fury is a delegated performance video, as part of Tanja Ostojic’s project Misplaced Women?, about the loss of the Ury/Unger family archive with the collapse of the Historical Archives in Cologne, on 3rd March 2009, and, filmed […]
A photograph sealed under plexiglass and mounted (MDF), (63cm x 94.5cm) Insurance value 2,000 Euros This double-profile-portrait combines the image of a Spanish 25 peseta coin from 1957 and a cutting from a German magazine in 1994. On the left, into the cheek of General Franco’s face, a swastika has been carved. Opposite Francisco is the photographic image of Elke J. […]
Typed computer version 2007, German poem 2011 Etching (29 cm width x 37 cm height, framed: 43 cm width x 51 cm height) and poem, English and German version, unpublished Poster: height 85 cm x width 60 cm 2011, Ury created visual images of 17 concrete poems, to be presented online and as print versions (23.5 x 32.45 cm), digital image processing Mirco Sanftleben, two of these […]
A photograph sealed under plexiglass and mounted, (56cm x 94.5cm) Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Humanities candidate at Leiden University, Institute for Cultural Disciplines (NL) The photograph combines a German newspaper article (2000) on Hugo Boss the fashion concern and its origins […]
Hand-folded fans made from prints of Tanya Ury’s cunt prints for an installation of fans hung from the ceiling on light threads cunt prints: 2 series of gouache body prints on paper – 30 sheets 24 x 32 cm Series 1: 15 prints, gouache colours: medium yellow, leaf green, red orange, blue lake, brilliant red, on watercolour paper […]
This is a concrete poem in English, written for the artist’s niece Elà. In its style and intention the concrete poetry is a collection of jumbled, abstract ideas that reflect the day-to-day life and mood of the artist. Above all, it is improvised and written down immediately — in essence it is automatic writing. Tanya Ury’s written poetry may be […]
A photograph sealed under plexiglass and mounted (MDF), height 64 cm x width 101,6 cm (edition of 7) (Edition of 7: height 32 cm x width 50,8 cm) Insurance value 2,000 Euros Concept Tanya Ury Camera David Janecek Digital image processing Claudia Stasch Double Portraits — a collection of works: Hermes Insensed 2000 – 2001 Franco and Elke J. 2002 lesser is me more or less 2003 Your Rules 2004 […]
Over the years a few photographic double portraits have transpired as part of Ury’s oeuvre. These have been assembled in diverse manner – the extensive Photo and Text series Hermes Insensed, points to a close interweaving of her personal and artistic life: she asked friends and colleagues to greet one another with a“hand kiss”, to court […]
A photograph sealed under plexiglass and mounted (MDF), height 96 cm x width 64 cm (edition of 7) (Edition of 7: height 48 cm x width 32 cm)) Insurance value 2,000 Euro Concept Tanya Ury Camera David Janecek Digital image processing Claudia Stasch Double Portraits — a collection of works: Hermes Insensed 2000 – 2001 Franco and Elke J. 2002 lesser is me more or less 2003 Your Rules 2004 […]
Umatic video projection 6 minutes, 1990 With video monitor Installation, 12 minutes This piece was commissioned by choreographer Jacqueline Rose. A split-screen DVD (13 minutes) incorporating the video projection and the monitor installation, edited by Rainer Nelissen was produced in 2009. Trailer 7 minutes Workshops – a collection of works: Dance Video Workshop: Control 1991 Dance Video Workshop: Secret Spaces 1991 Bochum Workshop […]
cunt prints – a collection of works: Blue Danaé 1 & 2 1998 cunt prints 2013 georgy girl 2016 fanny fans (work in progress) cunt prints: 2 series of gouache body prints on paper – 30 sheets 24 x 32 cm Series 1: 15 prints, gouache colours: medium yellow, leaf green, red orange, blue lake, brilliant red, on watercolour paper (natural white, […]
cunt prints – a collection of works: Blue Danaé 1 & 2 1998 cunt prints 2013 georgy girl 2016 fanny fans (work in progress) cunt prints: 2 series of gouache body prints on paper – 30 sheets 24 x 32 cm Series 1: 15 prints, gouache colours: medium yellow, leaf green, red orange, blue lake, brilliant red, on watercolour paper (natural white, […]
2011-12-14 — 2012-04-18 Video-installation and some printed concrete poetry 2011, Ury created visual images of 17 concrete poems, to be presented online and as print versions (23.5 x 32.45 cm), digital image processing Mirco Sanftleben, two of these poems being femininity and femininiation, the rest being part of the series cement, weißer neger (white nigger), concrete party & oral call, […]
27.5.2011 – 2011-08 – 16 Like half dimensional poems 2009 – 2011 cement 2011 and weißer neger (white nigger), concrete party is prose poetry, written in English and German. In style and sense these are concrete poems, a collection of jumbled abstract thoughts, misunderstood conversation and misread text, which, reflect the daily life and temperament of the Jewish artist. This edition, like […]
concrete 47 images (edition 7): A4, height 85 cm x width 60 cm Height 31.5 cm x width 23.5 cm (edition 7) A ca. 6‑hour compilation loop of the following poetry video pieces, with text as audio performance and visual concrete poetry by Tanya Ury has been put together for screening on a mac mini: 1. half dimensional poems 2009 – 2011, edit 2011, […]
Performance documented on video, English, 1 hour Trailer 5 minutes A DVD compilation of all the“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subtitles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 2007 (29.9) Original concept Tanya Ury’s, developed and performed by Laurel Jay Carpenter and Tanya Ury, during the”Avant-Garde Dating” week, 27.9. – 3.10.2007, for Art Forum, The New Life Shop Art Gallery, […]
Video-installation A DVD (36:42 minutes) of the poem layout with voice-over soundtrack for projection was created in 2011 (image format 4:3) – trailer cement no. 16, 1:02 minutes. These poems take up the thread where the half dimensional poems leave off. In style and sense they are concrete poems, a collection of jumbled abstract thoughts, misunderstood conversation and misread […]
Ark photograph (H 68 x B 100 cm) Insurance price 1000 Euros Calving trouble 2 digitally handwritten texts in English and German, each: H 28 x B 100 cm Insurance price 2000 Euros Calving trouble is composed of Ark a photograph of Swan Vesta matchboxes digitally altered to show, not one but two swans on the lids, representing the two cherubim on the […]
A short story English/German German translation Brücken Bauen Tanya Ury and Rolf Steiner 2003 Published in English with 3 Photos by Sylvia Ury ca. 1958 in the catalogue to the exhibition Termini Technici, Salon Verlag, 2001 Cologne ISBN 3−89770−150−2 (D) In several of her works Tanya Ury has adopted the name of Hermè or Herme (her & me): […]
Performances documented on video, 1: 2 minutes 45 seconds & 2: 6 minutes A DVD compilation of all the“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subtitles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 2007 (27.9: 2 ½ minutes & 1.10: 6 minutes) Original concept Tanya Ury’s, developed and performed by Laurel Jay Carpenter and Tanya Ury during the”Avant-Garde Dating” week for Art Forum, 27.9. – 3.10.2008, The […]
2 photographs, red and orange, sealed under plexiglass and mounted photograph H 46,3 cm x B 30 cm (Edition of 7) (Format 20,5 x 13) As T‑shirt: logo H 20 cm x 30 cm, White short-sleeved Price 500 Euro Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Humanities candidate at Leiden University, […]
Video 42 minutes, German Betakam SP, colour (D) Workshops – a collection of works: Dance Video Workshop: Control 1991 Dance Video Workshop: Secret Spaces 1991 Bochum Workshop – Uniform, Status Symbol and Ideal 2007 Unnatural Consequences (work in progress) 2014- We are born with a genetic code that we can’t change. But with our dress code we can either […]
2 photographs sealed under plexiglass and mounted (MDF) Blue Danaé 1 (close-up) 34 x 49 cm Blue Danaé 1 & 2 42 x 61 cm Edition of 7 Camera Doris Frohnapfel Insurance value Blue Danaé 1 – (negative no. 17) 1,000 Euros Blue Danaé 2 – (negative no. 12) 1,500 Euros 2015 Blue Danaé 1, 35 x 23.5 cm (edition of 7), […]
Video projection (German), 18.10 minutes Analogue Beta SP, PAL 4:3 Price 200 Euros Videocassette (VHS copy) or DVD Jacob’s Ladder – a collection of works: Roman Svastika Tantric Snakes and Ladders Jacob’s Ladder – a Cybersexual Parable Franco and Elke J. Fashion Victim Barbie and Klaus Jacob’s Ladder Swastikas and Stars wrestlewithyourangel neonazi Blind Spot Red Hot Pokers Transcending the Ladder Jack the […]
A short story (English) for Rolf Steiner’s: Die weite Welt (The Wide World) (unpublished). Revised German version Amin Farzanefar 2011 German translation Tanya Ury and Rolf Steiner 2003 (unpublished) Ury’s text has been photocopied onto four transparent plastic sheets, stapled together and placed over Steiner’s text. Between Barcelona (unpublished), an additional version of the short […]
[ Français ] Beelzebularin photograph (H 1.20 x B 200 cm) Insurance price 1000 Euros Beelzebularin 2 digitally handwritten texts in English and German, each: H 60 x B 100 cm Insurance price 2000 Euros Beelzebularin is a photographical portrait of Tanya Ury dressed as the biblical Bezalel ben Uri (Bezalel son of Uri), the artist who constructed the holy objects for Moses’ […]
Reproductions of 15 Hugo Boss postcards of 1998 – 99 winter fashion, and reproductions of 4 postcards with illustrations of Spanish soldiers and their sweethearts from the 1960’s (or 70’s) are sealed under plexiglass and mounted. Since 2010, Tanya Ury has been working on the research project Who’s Boss – Empire’s New Clothes, as PhD. in Humanities candidate […]
Avant-Garde Dating and The Change – Looking Back in Art and Life on Matters of the Body (Introductory Talk) 2007 (27.9. – 3.10) Tanya Ury’s new work in the collaborative context with Laurel Jay Carpenter (Website: laureljay.com) during the”Avant-Garde Dating” week at Art Forum, The New Life Shop Art Gallery, Choriner Strasse 85, Berlin (D). Avantgarde Dating an […]
A DVD compilation of all the“Avant-Garde Dating” trailers with German subtitles, 40 minutes was put together 2009 Avant-Garde-Dating – a collection of works: The Danaids Zucchini Game & Match Climacter Broken Glass 1 & 2 Avant-Garde Dating – Introductory Talk Tanya Ury’s new work in the collaborative context with Laurel Jay Carpenter during the”Avant-Garde Dating” week at Art Forum, […]
A series of 9 photographs, each 60 x 90 cm (edition of 7), FineArt-Bond – digital pigment print, lamination 3mm Dibond laminate Insurance value of each photo 2000 Euros Insurance value of each A4 print, digital pigment print — classic on 190 gram satin paper: 400 Euros (edition of 7) Artistic Freedom No. 2, as A4 print in 5 portfolios, for sale with other […]
Web site: www.tanyaury.com A photoseries of four: 1. Art Prize 1996 2. Art Prize 1998 3. Art Prize 2000 4. Art Prize 2002 4 photographs sealed under plexiglass and mounted Photographs: H 55 cm x B 122.5 cm (Edition of 7) (Edition of 7: H 45 cm x B 100 cm) Format: 1 x 2.227 Insurance value Each picture 2,500 €uro (x4 = 10,000 €uro) Since […]
Photograph, size 45 x 30.5 cm (21.5 x 15 cm) Edition of 7 Archive – a collction of works Archive Fever Fury Conscience archive burn out 2011 – 2014 For Sigmund Freud himself, the destruction drive is no longer a debatable hypothesis. Even if this speculation never takes the form of a fixed thesis, even if it is never posited, it is another name for Ananke, […]
A video documentation of the performance concert archive burn out, filmed and edited by Freya Hattenberger on 10th April in the Nazi Documentation Centre, Cologne, with“Suspended Beliefs”, poetry and textwith improvised music: Tanya Ury (voice), Gernot Bogumil (trumpet), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percussion), can be seen here: Documentation: 46:06 minutes: vimeo.com/112831445 Trailer: 6:51 minutes: vimeo.com/112828403 […]
In 1999, a year after the death of her mother Sylvia in London, and after long consideration, and family discussion, in which the London Leo Baeck Institute, a Jewish archive, was also thought to be an appropriate location to house the personal effects of the Ury/Unger archive, Tanya Ury entrusted the family archive to the Historical Archives […]